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After a long shower and a meal that his mom practically shoved down his throat, Jim had fallen asleep on the couch. Turns out that being unconscious for the better part of three days (Three days. How had it been three days?) and then nearly being suffocated to top it all off was indeed very tiring, and he couldn't wait to start feeling better. Toby and Claire had convinced their parents to let them stay over, sitting closely to Jim. Toby had fallen asleep almost as quickly as Jim on his left arm, and Claire had recently woken up but was started to drift off again on his right shoulder. There was a movie playing on the screen, some old movie that had apparently been one of his dad's favorite films. Barbara had also been walking in and out of the room, constantly checking on all of the kids. 

Claire was on the edge of sleep when Jim groaned, shifting just enough to dislodge her. He looked stressed, like his mind was plagued with something. Barbara had mentioned something about this before Jim was found, that he would probably have nightmares following the event. Unfortunately, it seemed she was correct.

Claire pulled the blanket up around Jim's waist, grabbing his hand tightly. "It's alright now, Jim. You're at home. You're safe. We're all with you. You never have to worry about Strickler again." She said softly, watching his face as it started to relax. They'd have to keep an eye on Jim, to make sure he was actually sleeping. He had a tendency to try and hide when he wasn't doing well. 

A pink blur flashed outside the window, so fast Claire almost missed it. Okay, now was so not the time for anymore trolls weirdness. Especially considering if it was an enemy coming to attack, there's no way Jim would be able to fight them. Maybe if they saw that Jim wasn't alone, they'd leave. She moved even closer to him, if that was possible.

Despite the fact that it was almost ten AM the morning, when most people should have been at work, there was a short series of knocks on the door. Okay, maybe this pink creature was bold enough to walk right up to the house. Claire laid back down quickly, pretending to be asleep even as Barbara walked over to the door. 

"Oh, Mrs. Noruma! I wasn't expecting to see you at this time." Barbara side softly, as if to not wake the kids.

"I wanted to apologize. I haven't been able to sleep every since the police came to the museum. Your son was there, in my museum of all places, and I had no idea. I am so sorry for the worry I put you through."

"It's alright. To me, it doesn't really matter where he was. All that matters is that he's home now."

"Is there any way I could apologize to him? I know he must have been terrified, and I would like to do it face to face."

"I'm afraid he's asleep right now. But if you want, I can make us some tea and we can talk. I'm sure he'll be more than happy to accept your apology once he wakes."

"That would be lovely. I should have gone looking sooner, I very rarely go into the part of the museum since it's under constant heavy construction. If I had just stepped in there, he would have been home much sooner."

"It's not your fault, Mrs. Nomura. The important thing is that he was found at all. I know the statistics. Most kids who aren't found after twenty four hours are dead. Jim was gone for almost triple that time. But I thank you for the apology. It's been a difficult few days, that's for sure."

Jim breathed in heavily through his nose, eyes slowly fluttering open. Claire sighed softly. Something about Nomura was off, but now that Jim was awake, they stood a little bit of a better chance. "You okay, Jim?" She asked quietly, hoping the sound of the TV was enough to mask her voice. 

"Getting there, I think. Why are we whispering?"

"Got company. Not exactly sure if it's good or not. You should go back to sleep."

"Don't think I can right now. My body is tired, but my brain is too awake. Guess that's what happens when you're kept unconscious."

"We were wondering why you didn't escape earlier."

"Can't exactly move when you're not awake to do so. Who's here?"

"Mrs. Nomura. Said she wanted to apologize for not figuring it out sooner."

"Well, your gut's in the right place. She's a changeling, just like Strickler was. They wanted me to open the bridge to the Darklands, and last I heard, she was supposed to be going out to attack one of you."

"She never came close. Granted, we were never alone, but I didn't see her until tonight."

"How much do the trolls know?"

"We haven't talked to them since they tracked the amulet down. They don't know you've been found yet."

"I think you and Toby will have to be the ones to tell them. Mom's not going to let me out of her sight for as long as she can."

"I really wish she'd go away, but I don't think she's leaving until she sees you in person."

"I get that feeling too. Well, let's get this over with. I'm starving."

Jim and Claire both stood up, carefully maneuvering Toby to lean against the arm of the couch before heading to the kitchen. Both women were still talking, moving on from the earlier conversation to one more centered around their jobs. Barbara was the first of the two to notice, smiling at the duo. "Good morning, you two! Jim, I believe you know Mrs. Nomura."

Nomura stood up from the table, walking over to Jim and grabbing his hand. "I'm so sorry, Jim. You were in my museum the whole time, and I had no idea you were there. Please forgive me."

Well, she was an incredible actor.

"There's nothing to forgive. Besides, I was unconscious for most of it. Some of it I know I was awake for, but I can't remember it well. It's all fuzzy. I couldn't really tell if anyone was there until the police arrived. I'm not angry."

Jim could be a really good actor as well. He could see the relief in her eyes, specifically at the part of Jim not remembering much. She thought she was in the clear. 

"Thank you. I was afraid you would hate me for this."

"No, no no! I don't hate you."

"Thank you. I know this sounds strange, but anytime you want to come to the museum, you are more than welcome to come." She hugged him tightly.

After a few more minutes of talking, she started to leave. "Once again, I'm so sorry for all of this. If something like this ever happens again, I want the museum to be completely searched."

"I think the police would really appreciate that." Barbara waved. Nomura returned the wave and finally left.

"Alright, Jim, today the only thing you're going to do is rest. No going exploring, no running around the house, resting. Understand? You look like you could use the sleep anyway."

Jim gave a thumbs up. "Got it, mom."

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