Chapter 2

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"Girl look at these shoes!" Robyn said.

I looked over.

"They ain't all that I said dryly."

"Bitch you trippen these cute af!" Robyn replied.

We were at the mall in traffic shoe store. I had to do a lil shopping cause ya girl gotta stay looking right.

"Girl im ready to get the hell outta here. Im tired af & we got school in the morning." I said to Robyn.

"Alright lets go then" Robyn replied.


"Instead of me going home can you drop me to Markus house he wants me to come by." Robyn asked.

"Fuck no" I replied quick asf.

"Pleasseee bestfriendddddd" She begged.

"No you know how I feel about him"I said.

"Pleaseee I won't ever ask you again. Pleaseee just this one time." Robyn Begged

"Fine . Never again" I said while driving to Markus house.


I dropped Robyn to her boyfriend house .I have no clue why dont she just break up with that no good nigga. Don't get me wrong im not that hatin ass bestfriend. I really think my bestfriend can do better than him, He is treating her wrong and all she is doing is sitting back and allowing it .


When I got home I seen both my parents car in the driveway. "Ughh" I groaned. I grabbed my bag and hopped out the car. When I got inside I greeted both of my parents and went on to my room.

I love my mom & dad but they are so crazy & dysfunctional. I hate how my mom just allows him to do anything like he fucking owns her ass. She says she is too "INLOVE" to leave him. It makes me so mad. I love my dad but I hates what his actions.

I came into my room & threw my bag on the floor and started to take off my clothes. "Ughh im so ready for this water to hit my body" I said to myself. I been out all day & I am ready for this shower.


Im currently doing my english homework. I really am trying to work

Hard and pass my classes. I wanna hurry up & graduate to do some good & big things in my life. This is my last year of high school with only 3 months left so I am more than ready.



"Bae please dont stress me out right now, I am very exhausted". Robyn said to her boyfriend Markus.

"Whatever yo" He replied in a annoying tone.

Markus wants to know where I been all day cause he been blowing me up. But he is not my daddy and he dont gotta treat me like a child and question my where abouts.

Markus and I been together for 7 months & I love him. Brie thinks he is not a good person for me. Even tho she is my bestfriend ima stick with what my heart tells me. The only thing I can say that is wrong about Markus is that he hits on me like im some nigga he hates in the streets. He started to do that after I gave him my virginity. I wish I can leave him but I love him & he says if I ever leave him he will kill me. It hurts alot to say.

"Baby" I yelled.

"What?" Markus replied

"Can you drive me home please. My parents keep calling me" I said to him

"Wtf man, If they keep calling you why tf they just dont come get you." He said in an aggravated tone.

"Bae you know damn well they won't do that. So pleaseeee can you take me home" I begged.

"Na since you aint wanna tell me where the fuck you was at take a fucking cab or bus" He said while throwing 40 bucks at me.

This can't be real. He can't be serious.

My mouth dropped open and I can feel the tears that started to form in my eyes.

I cannot believe this motherfucker. Im not as suprised because this isn't the first or second time he has done this to me. But the other times he done it it was in daylight. At this moment it is pitch black outside and it is 9:45pm .

"Are you fucking serious right now?" I yelled at him

"Does it look like im laughing?? Then ofcourse im serious baby" He said in a sweet sarcastic voice.

A tear fell down my face. I can't fucking believe this nigga.

I snatched my bag & left his house without saying goodbye. I walked to the nearest bus stop like 10 mins away and sat on the bench. Im paranoid af.



"Thanks for coming to my rescue" Robyn thanked me.

All I could do was shake my head cause this aint the first time I had to come get her. It so crazy how he tried her face. How the hell you gon make yo fucking girlfriend take the bus at this time in the fucking night yo. Shit crazy af to me yo.

"So you mad???" Robyn asked me.

"You already know whats up Ro btw you can get out " I responded dryly.

"Whatever brie .You know my situation and how I feel about him. If you really love someone you will be with them no matter what and that is how I feel with Markus. I love him to fucking much to leave him. Even though he puts his hands on me ima still stick with him cause I feel like he will change. She yelled while crying. Then she slammed my door.

While driving off the questions floating in my head is why haven't she ever told me about this? How long have this been going on? Is this why she acts so suspicious sometimes?

I can't believe Robyn kept this a secret from me. The same thing my dad is doing to my mom is the same thing Markus is doing to Robyn . Just thinking about this makes me mad. I know if she never blurted it out to me she would have never told me.

The only thing in my mind right now is that I cannot get over the fact that my bestfriend is getting abused and isn't telling anyone.


I closed my Tv and lamp. I can't wait till school tomorrow to get all of this shit straighten out with Robyn and this bitch ass nigga & I will not show no mercy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2014 ⏰

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