T W O (TW)

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Trigger Warning: suicide mention, nightmare, mental breakdown

  You know this is what you must do.  You know you have to jump. Just do it.  With tears in your eyes, you whisper, "Goodbye, cruel world." and you fall.

  With a start, you bolt upright in your bed, tears streaming down your face.  Panting heavily, you hug yourself and look around. You can't see much in the dark, but you notice that your phone's display is on. You see a notification that says, "Notice: Battery fully charged."

  You pick it up and unplug it, careful not to drop it in your shaky hands.  "Oh god, oh man, I need to talk to someone." You wipe the tears from your face and, with a shaky breath, dial your best friend's number.  As expected, no one answers.  Cursing under your breath, you try to think of someone else to talk to. 

  "Aha!" You think.  Mr. Fischbach!  He gave you his number, but as you realize what you are doing, you hesitate until you've put the number in and are about to push the call button.

  Holding your breath, you push the button and hold the phone up to your ear.  It takes a couple of rings, but eventually someone picks up and says, "Yes? Who is it?" in a very groggy voice.

  You sob silently, breathing in and out a couple of times. 

  "Is anyone there?" you hear from the other side of the line.

  You take a deep breath and whisper,  "Yes. Yeah, it's (Y/N)."

  Silence from the other end.

  "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you, bye and sorry --"

   "You don't have anything to be sorry for, (Y/N)," You hear from him.  "I told you to call, and you did. I'm proud of you."

  You and him sit there for hours, just talking.  When you finish, it's about 5 AM and you still hadn't gotten any more sleep.  But it didn't matter, because you felt better than you had in years.  You were crying tears of relief and happiness.  You were also proud of yourself -- you had managed to call someone and get it off your chest.  You breathe deep and head to the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee.  It was still a school day, after all.  You were going to need all the caffeine in the world to get you through today.

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