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* sabre * 

it was  already mid day out when i got back to the hide out the first person i ran into was spency . hey spency . 

spency ; hey sabre . andrew has been looking for you . 

sabre ; oh , really ? 

spency ; yeah here he comes now . 

andrew ; sabre ! where were you !

sabre ; i was um . i was getting some fresh air .  hey i've got an idea . how about i teach both of you how to find your inner strength . 

andrew ; how exactly are you going to do that . 

sabre : like this . next thing they know they're in the volcano i was in trying to find my inner strength . i started towards Lucas's camp immediately after . i saw flub stating out side the fort . 

flub : hey sabre . 

sabre ; you ready to go .

flub : yeah i guess .

sabre : just wanted to let you know that i hate you and will probably kill you if i have time .

flub : thats understandable . okay to make this even can i punch you in the face . 

sabre ; what no ! no! you can not punch me in the face . you know what let's just go let's go . we made our way  to the docks and saw slicer's ship . we saw several  of the Templar guards who now work for him guarding Katie .   we swam to the ship and climbed onto a small edge and i pushed flub against the ship holding a dagger to his throat . if you put us in danger i swear i will slit your throat open . 

flub : okay .

sabre : okay let's go . i climbed onto the deck  and flub helped me kill the guards . i searched around fro slicer while flub took Katie back to shore . i turned to a corner and came face to face with slicer . 

slicer ; hello sabre . i've been expecting you . 

sabre ; slicer ! you really thought you could get away with this !

slicer ; yes i did . 

sabre ; well you're not going to . and i won't go down without a fight . 

slicer ; i just let flub and Katie go without a fight . 

sabre : why . 

slicer : because sabre . those who break their morality  for conquest will always lose sabre . thats why i don't have any  . but you were willing to help your enemies be rid of me . time must really bother you . 

sabre : you don't know me !

slicer ; then  why is it you hate me so much , is it because you fear me . 

sabre : quiet ! 

slicer : is it because deep down you know that you will never defeat me . 

sabre : i said quiet ! 

slicer ; is it because  you've lost hope in the people you once loved  . oh sabre you'll never win . 

sabre : stop talking ! i stabbed my sword into slicer's stomach and he didn't fall he just laughed . i took the sword out of his stomach and back against the wall . wh-what why aren't you in pain.  .

slicer ; pain is only in the mind and for the weak sabre .  when will you learn . 

sabre ; you're not human . 

slicer ; no sabre . i'm better than that . 

*sabre * 

 once again i had been knocked unconscious .i'm starting to lose track on how many times i have been knocked out . i woke up in a cell on the ship . i  knew i had to slow my heart rate down enough to where they would think i'm dead . i needed to meditate and i needed to talk to someone . i sat on the wooden floor and leaned against the wall falling into meditation . i saw my fake dad in front of me .  hey . i don't know what to call you anymore . they told me everything . 

father : sabare  listen . me and your mother kept it a secret from you your entire life . we thought it would be safer that way . 

sabre ; there is so much i ant to tell you . i just can't think of it all right now . 

father ; you need to be conscious of the outside world right now .

sabre ; okay dad . goodbye . i woke out of the meditation and stood up . i went into the middle of the room   and laid  on the floor i closed my eyes and slowed my heart rate . i heard footsteps  and slicer's voice . 

slicer :  sabre . oh well there goes that plan ! guards ! throw this dead body over board , but before you do give him a dose of poison to make sure he's dead . 

* sabre * 

 i felt a syringe go into my arm and felt them drag me up the stairs and onto the deck . next thing i know i hit the water i waited until i sunk down far enough and then swam to shore . weak and in pain . i knew if i couldn't get to the hideout in time i would die .i will have let down everyone . the creed , my mom , lucas , my dad , and andrew ...

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