Chapter 17

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Frozen to the core, heart pumping loudly and eyes practically falling out of their sockets was one way to describe Kelly’s stance. She swallowed, glancing around timidly. Identical expression of horror reflected from Jen and Lauren’s petrified faces.

The quiet padding of her footsteps, the telltale creak of the door, the cruel, heartless mask that covered her friend’s flawless face seemed to echo in her mind, like a video clip on replay. As usual, Courtney left with a flair, but dramatic exits were something she and the other girls had gotten used to.

It was almost like an irksome flaw, one of the very few Courtney possessed. Kelly never liked the way her friend seemed to consider everything and everyone below her or the way she simply expected to have the first choice, the pick of the litter, best of whatever it was. It annoyed her to no end, but she, like so many others, chose to let it go.

After all, she and Courtney were the best of friends. And with friends that you especially cared about, it was common sense to let their sharp edges slide and focus on the good traits. And God knows Courtney had her share of good points.

Besides, if you loved someone, you always tended to let more things than you probably should have. Of all people, Kelly could testify to that. She loved Courtney through and through, completely and totally. It was a bond they had always shared, one that seemed unbreakable.

Being obnoxiously bubbly, charismatic and loud, Kelly and Courtney practically ruled the school with the help of Jen and Lauren, of course. But she had always felt that Courtney had a stronger pull towards her more than the others. It made sense though – both were attracted and encircled by attention and bright spotlights. The stars of the show.

But recently, relationships were strained to the core. Courtney was temperamental and moody, bossing everyone around. Lauren did everything she was asked without a second thought because well, that was Lauren. Jen did things more reluctantly, traces of annoyance definitely visible. But Kelly? She absolutely hated being told what to do – especially by Courtney who acted indifferent and superior to them.

It made her blood boil, but she reminded herself constantly that it would pass.


“Guys?” Jen whispered finally, her voice coming out as a timid squeak. Kelly whipped her gaze towards Jen’s direction, softening as she saw the frightened worry flickering in between her long, dark lashes. “I hate to be the first to say this but,” she gulped, her nails digging ferociously into her palms. “But where is Courtney?” Jen finished quietly.

Where is Courtney? Where is Courtney? Where? Kelly asked herself the same question over and over. It had been hours since her blonde friend had flounced out the door and vanished into the night. Courtney was known for doing her own thing, being her own person.

When she left, Kelly didn’t think much of it. She was much too busy fuming over the way Courtney had made Lauren cry, yet again. Secretly, she was somewhat glad that the blonde had left. It saved them a lot of drama and heartache.

But now, standing by the backdoor with the other girls, she regretted ever harsh word and cruel thought she had ever had concerning Courtney. Her friend might have been pushy and bossy, arrogant and cocky and perfectly flawless in every which way, but she was still Kelly’s best friend.

Twisting the studded pink ring around her finger, Kelly bit her lip with worry, her thoughts miles away. All she seemed to be able to think of was how Courtney had picked them: Lauren, Jen and herself to be her best friends.

None of the girls were incredibly popular, none possessed any sort of magical aura that Courtney had. Yet for a reason no one knew, they had been pluck like daisies out of a pool of almost every single girl throughout their entire posh town.

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