Chapter 18

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I know, I haven't written in a while. But I've uploaded now, so hopefully you'll like! I think you will - I had fun writing it. But I'll stop rambling so you can get on with the reading <3

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“So what now?” Lauren asked timidly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she broke the tense silence that surrounded them. Kelly breathed in slowly, exhaling deeply and tried to let her stress go.

“I don’t know,” murmured Jen in response when it was clear that Kelly wasn’t answering. “Do you want to check around the house?” Kelly cocked an eyebrow, throwing her friend a skeptical look.

“What?” Jen retorted defensively, seeing the glare. “It’s not like we can do anything else!” Instantly, she regretted the words, realizing that they contained a double meaning. “Sorry, that’s not what – that’s not what I meant. I just,” she paused, unsure of how to finish.

“It’s fine,” Kelly attempted a grin, but it never fully reached her eyes. “You’re right in a way. There’s not much else we can do.” Jen bit her lip, tears on the brink of falling. “It’s okay,” Kelly added, reaching out to give Jen a quick squeeze. “We’ll get through this. Together.”

Smiling through her tears, Jen squeezed Kelly’s hand back, linking her other arm with Lauren’s. The trio laughed quietly, wiping away their frowns and replacing their truculent attitudes. “Together,” Lauren repeated.

“Together,” Kelly affirmed, nodding her head.

“Together!” they chorused as a trio, their voices blending in a harmony of one as they linked arms and pushed open the back door, ready to begin their search for Courtney – and for answers.

Jen stepped out into the breeze and shivered slightly. Lauren hugged her arms around her tiny frame, glancing at Kelly who stood, surveying the grounds with a frown on her face. The unusually chilly breeze sent a trail of goose bumps up her arms, sweeping auburn strands into her face.

Blowing out a breath, she swept them aside with a grimace, glancing towards the wooden staircase that lead up to the patio. A sudden swooping sensation filled the bottom of her stomach, and her sun-kissed skin drained of color as the events of last night came rushing back at her.

A glance behind her told her all she needed to know. Both Jen and Lauren had identical expressions of fear. Jen clutched her stomach as though she was going to regurgitate the contents of her last meal any second. Kelly knew just from that one glimpse of their stricken faces that they were experiencing the same feeling she was.

Just standing outside gave her a serious case of the chills, and not because it was frostier than usual. Just seeing the open gate from last night’s escapade and being in such close proximity to the staircase which led up to the deck made everything that felt like a dream so much more real. And so much more scary.

“Can we start now?” Jen croaked out finally, causing the other two to look at her in surprise. She cleared her throat. “We aren’t going to find Courtney just by standing here.”

Lauren nodded stiffly in agreement, her wary eyes darting swiftly around the yard. Kelly couldn’t blame her for being so jump though. The surfacing memories of last night had set her on edge too. Silently, she followed Jen and Lauren who had begun the slow trudge up the stairs.

Despite the fact that she didn’t want go up, her feet forced themselves upwards slowly, taking one step at a time. “Are you getting the shivers?” she heard Lauren murmur distinctly. Kelly swallowed the lump in her throat, unsure what to say.

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