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Chapter Twenty-Three


              The week of my heat had been utter hell. Stark had become an agitated beast to the point the rest of house barred him from me. Not without great difficulty though. Cliff had to keep a constant shield around my room, trying to keep my pheromones contained seeing as how I was affecting them all- but none more than Stark.

Even though our little rendezvous in the shower helped ease some of the ache it only made our desire raise to impossible heights. Stark could no longer control himself and was ready to take me on the bed, had Serina not busted the door in and have him dragged out.

She tried to turn his emotions to the calmer side to get him to see things rationally but that part of him had checked out and no matter what she did, she could not contain him. She ended up having to bring in reinforcements. Daren and Stark grappled in a viscous fight, even Daren seemed to be letting out heightened aggression in my presence. Stark had gone wild like a dragon protecting its gold. It got so bad even my heat stepped aside momentarily in absolute fear that they would kill each other. Cliff, Josh and Sam had to get involved, tearing Stark and Daren apart but man was he quick. Stark landed punch after punch on anyone who tried to touch him. Finally, Daren struck a harsh blow to the back of Stark's neck knocking him out cold.

I had been a frightened mess on my bed at the sight of it all. Fear for Stark and for myself. What the hell was I doing to these guys?

Josh had beheld me with a wildness that mirrored Stark, stumbling out of the room like it took great effort to leave. As did the rest of them. They had all looked at me like I was a piece of meat they wanted to devour. Which only caused Serina to slap Daren upside the head and order him to leave the room.

After that Cliff threw up the shield, Serina being the only one granted access to me. From what she told me they all had to stay on the ground level, leaving the sanctity of the hidden basement.

Stark had gotten better with time and distance, but I hadn't. So when it finally began to fade away I was ready to weep with joy, but that slowly grew to mortification the more I came in control of my emotions and brain, realizing what I had done. What I caused.

"It's alright sweetie," Serina rubbed my back soothingly. I was surprised by the motherly way she had been handling me this past week, sticking by me and ready to help in any way she could. It just made me love her more.

I rest my head on her shoulder. "God Serina look at what I've done, they were ready to kill each other- wait, is that blood on my carpet?!" My head snaps up, eyes wide. "You see!" I groan.

"You were in heat. That's the effect we have on males during that time. At least now you'll be good for two months."

I snort, "I think I'd prefer a period over that mess."

"Yeah," Serina mutters petulantly, "at least then my boyfriend wouldn't want to knock you up."

I frown at her.

"It's their instinct. When they smell an unbound female in heat, and they too are unbound- everything in them wants to claim her."

I squint at her. "So seeing as how Stark is unbound- when you go into heat..." I trail off and she shrugs with a grimace. "Bloody hell."

"Yup. It's all shit." She delivers straight-faced.

Pulling away from her I decide I can no longer wallow and hide out in my room. Putting on a brave face I leave my safe zone and head for the den, hearing Serina's footsteps padding softly behind me. Reaching the den I find the television on but no one in the room. Small mercies. I filter through the bookshelves for good reading material, very much aware of my twin's scrutiny. I peer at her from my peripheral, finding her eyes full of worry with furrowed brows. Snapping out of it she pushes off the doorframe, blood rushing to her cheeks at having been caught staring.

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