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Chapter Twenty-Seven


Joshua steps in front of me, sniffing the air around us for any sign of heroes. We had been scouring the woods when we heard an engine coming, once we heard it we headed in the direction Valerie and Sam had been stationed. We took off to take care of the new threat, running into Sam along the way and on our stealth run toward the newcomers he told us he left Valerie in the vehicle with orders to stay put. Josh had used his earpiece to contact Stark and his unit, alerting them to the threat that we were taking care of.

"Valerie?" Stark had asked, his voice low over the mic.

"In the car." Sam had responded with ease, "I will return to her the moment we finish this."

"Location?" Stark asked and we knew he was asking if Sam had moved the vehicle before he left.


"I will check on her." Daren says, and I know he meant through projection. We continue on, hurrying as quick as we can with our bodies hunched. The moment we see the headlights, I pull at the shadows around us until we are entirely submerged in darkness. Sam and Josh hold my hands, needing me to lead them through the blindness.

"Almost," I warn them. The engine grows closer and closer until it is a deep rumble ahead of us. "Three feet!" I call to the boys in the darkness. "Two feet!" So close. Then I will make for Valerie. I should have pushed for her to stay with me. I could have kept her safe in the shadows. "Get ready!" The massive truck is now right in front of us and I thicken the shadows until there is nothing left to us.

"Guys! We have a problem!" Daren's voice sounds in all our ears, panic evident in his tone. It stops me in my tracks. Valerie!

"Serina!" Sam yells and I have no choice but to push my rising fear aside to handle the problem in front of us.

Josh has frozen the propeller shaft of the truck, forcing the wheels to a stop. We hear the doors open and I watch as two males climb out of the truck yelling obscenities. "What the fuck was that?" The one from the drivers side demands.

"Hell if I know. Engine is still running." With mere inches in between us we make our move.

"Do you hear-" The guy from the passenger side gets cut of when he sees me drop the shadows and hurl myself at him. Sam comes with me, and Josh takes on the driver. Using the element of surprise I land a swift blow to the guys throat before dropping down and swinging my leg under both his, knocking him on his ass. Sam is on him just as quick, straddling his chest and landing blow after blow. I spin to see if Josh needs backup but he has his guy in a chokehold, the guy clawing at Josh's arms in a desperate attempt to free himself. Then he falls limp. I make for the truck, climbing in quickly to kill the engine and turn off the lights.

By the time I climb back out, Sam has finished his guy off and they are hauling their bodies to the back of the truck. With a grunt the boys lift their heavy forms and toss them in the bed of the truck. Sam releases a heavy breath and Josh swears. I look a the boys, my fear taking hold again.

"Valerie." I whisper and then take off for the Jeep, not bothering to wait for Sam and Josh. I press the button on the earpiece, "Daren, where is she?" I'm panting, dodging branches and rocks. Images of Valerie being hurt push me faster, I force my body to limits it had never breached before. My sister. Something was wrong with my sister.

"We're searching the area. Stark fled for the Jeep." Daren answers back and the tension in his voice spurs my anxiety.

"She's not here!" Stark roars over the earpiece and something about the terror in his words makes me gasp, halting immediately. She has to be okay. She's only here because of me. "Josh, get here now!"

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