Chapter 2

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"Where to next?" Faye asks and we all think, hm... I look around and there is the the zapper, the carousel, flying swings, shark bite, the dragon and some other rides.

"Shark bite?" I ask and they all look at it and nod

"Then we're going on the zapper!" Faye says

"Then we're going on the dragon!" Lila says and we nod

"And then we're going on the flying swings!" Romeo says and we nod

"After that we should go on the bumper cars and the rapids again and then head home because it's 4pm now" Oscar says and we all agree and walk over to Shark Bite...

Shark Bite is an inside water ride, you sit in a boat that fits about 6 people and you go through tunnels and then you get to the open water and see a shark fin in the distance, the shark attacks the boat and you have to escape. It's not a real shark obviously, I'll explain more when we're on the ride...

We walk straight on because Shark Bite isn't very popular because people get scared. My family? Nah, we love the ocean and sea creatures! We sit down and I sit at the front because the shark attacks the front of the boat and it's funny, Dylan sits next to me because he loves it too, Oscar and Romeo sit at the back and Faye and Lila sit in the middle. We start moving and it's really dark inside the tunnels and Faye and Lila start screaming, I laugh and wait for the doors and I push them open so we can get onto the open water. We get through and start moving across the water and it's more lit up with blue lights, we see the shark fin and me and Dylan start cheering and watch it come near us. It grips onto the front of the boat and Dylan starts patting it's nose and says "Good boy" I burst out laughing and then the boat speeds up and the shark lets go, "No! My pet!" Dylan shouts and we start laughing

We start going fast and water is drenching us and we drop down and slide down and get covered in water, we come back round and get off the ride while laughing.

"That was hilarious!" I say to Dylan and he laughs

We walk to The Zapper, the zapper is a loopy rollercoaster. It has about 5 loops and 2 twirls, it's super fun though! We wait in the cue, "I'm getting hungry now" Oscar says holding his stomach

"Same" Lila and Faye say and they look at each other, "McDonalds?" They says in unison and they both high five and smile and look at us and we are looking at them and we cough and turn around and Faye and Lila start laughing

"Weirdos" Romeo coughs

Faye smacks his arm, "rude!" She shouts and he chuckles

We wait for a bit longer and then we get on the ride, it's 10 per cart so I sit at the front with Oscar and Romeo and Dylan sit behind us and Faye and Lila sit behind us and some strangers fill in the other seats. The ride starts going up and we all raise our arms and wait for it to drop, it goes down and we all scream and shout. It goes through the first loop and then does a twirl round and then goes up and goes through the second loop and a third straight after, it carries on going round and we come up to the big loop. We start going up slowly and we stay upside down for what feels like 5 minutes and then it goes round quickly and we all scream and it goes round the final loop and a twirl and back to the beginning, we all laugh and fix our hair and then we get unbuckled and get off.

We run to the dragon because it's 5pm now and the park shuts at 5:30 so we run in the cue and it's empty so we jump on the ride and we get buckled in. The dragon is a calmer ride, it goes round and above water and it goes round twice.

"Are you ready?" Faye asks me, she's sitting next to me. I nod and we raise our arms and start cheering as the ride starts going round

"I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky!" Dylan and Oscar sing and we all laugh at them

We go round twice and then get off, "Okay last ride!" We walk over to the flying swings and get on, this is one of Romeo's favourite rides. You sit a swing by your self and get buckled up and the swings lift up and they start spinning around and lift up a tiny bit.

We get buckled up and the music starts playing and we all smile at each other and we start spinning around and we all raise our arms and cheer, it starts going faster and I scream.

After the ride, we get off and I yawn. "Tired baby sis?" Romeo asks and I smile and nod my head

"Let's head home now" he says and we start walking to the car park, "wanna get food on the way back?" He asks and we nod

We sit in the car and Lila and Faye speed off to go to McDonald's, "I want Pizza!" Dylan says and we all look at him

"You are honestly amazing!" I say and he grins like a child

"Aw Stop it" he jokes and I laugh

"Pizza it is then" Romeo says and starts the engine

"Let's go!" I say and Romeo starts driving

We blast music and start jamming out again and pretending we're in a band, We get to Dominos and we walk in.

We decide to pay together because it's easier, Dylan and Romeo share a margarita and Oscar gets a pepperoni and I get pineapple. We wait for our pizzas and Dylan runs to the shop next door and gets fizzy drinks and chocolate and popcorn. We grab our pizzas and go back to the car and drive home, "Are we having family night?" I ask and they nod

"Lila and Faye will probably stay in their room but we are" Romeo says and Oscar and Dylan look at each other

"I'll be Lila, you be Faye" Dylan says and they start mocking Lila and Faye when they do their make up and their hair and I laugh

"You're doing it wrong!" I say and start mocking Faye when she does her make up and the boys laugh

"You're way more accurate" Dylan says and I grin

We get home and put the food in the kitchen and we all run upstairs and get our pyjamas on, I tie my hair in a messy bun and put some fluffy socks on and then walk downstairs and into the living room.

Oscar is sitting on the one seater and is already eating his pizza and Dylan and Romeo are sharing theirs and I sit down on the 3 seater and eat mine. We put on a film and we put on a comedy and we all laugh at it...

It's 10pm now and we have watched 3 movies and ate our pizza and the popcorn and chocolate and we are all tired, "well I'm going to bed" Oscar says and he walks up stairs

"Same" Dylan stands up, "need a lift?" He asks me and I nod and smile

He turns around and I jump on his back and wave to Romeo, "see you in the morning Rome" I say

"Goodnight Haze" he says and Dylan walks up the stairs and he drops me outside my room.

"Goodnight Hazel" Dylan says and starts walking to his room

"Night Dyl" I say and walk in my room

I get into bed and pass out almost immediately, I'm so tired...
Chapter 3 coming soon...

Peace x

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