Chapter 1

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As the suspects stood in front of the lined wall patiently waiting to be dismissed and to resume their daily activities. 

 Watching very closely for any suspicious movements or even the slightest crack of guilt behind the 2-way mirror, Nina scanned her eyes over the four men as the victim was rambling on about what happened. Not really listening Nina picked up on the most important details. "I just can't believe my house got broken into... to steal my daughter's locked trunk.. her father gifted that to her before he died... she never lets anybody see the trunk or whats inside including me...even if I got security cameras installed and had a guard dog." the distraught lady sobbed.

"Excuse me, ma'am, could you describe the trunk to me please," Nina asked without making eye contact with the woman also keeping her voice monotone. Although she had found a clue as to how to find the suspect she didn't announce it.

"Oh it was lovely, it was a heavy leather wine colored trunk with gold clasps. My late husband actually built it customized to her liking, it even had this weird key print on the two handles that left weird indentations and ink marks when touched. I learned the hard way trying to snoop in, but the dang ink didn't come off for days." Mrs.Pearline stated with a loving face as if she was trying to remember the trunk and her husband. To the blind eye she was crazy for all the rambling she was doing and saying everything that came to mind, but not to Nina as she got all the information needed to make the arrest. "Well, it seems this lady is not going to give us any information anytime soon and she certainly is a hot mess, so we might as well wrap things up here because we have no leads as to-" but he was quickly cut off by Nina. "I got our guy," Nina said as she made her way to the door with the suspects.

As soon as she said that the people in the room froze. "Wha- how, please explain to me before you go and make the arrest," Chief stated with a dumbfounded expression on his face.

"Well, it really wasn't that hard you could've gone to the extreme and dissected this entire case from places and alibis or you could've used this one piece of valuable evidence Mrs. Pearline just gave us and it eliminates everyone but the culprit," Nina said with a slight shrug. Looking around she noticed everyone still looking confused, sighing she continued. "Mrs.Pearline just described the trunk to us and she specifically said when you touch the handles you get key-shaped markings on your fingers and if you look at all of the suspects the only one with key-shaped markings on their fingers is him," Nina said while pointing at one guy. Marcus Georado a known man around town and close friend to Mrs.Pearline and her late husband. 

"I-I- that's IMPOSSIBLE how, why would he do that if he knew them both well and helped them why would he just steal from them and be just...!" Chief Wilson all but rushed out while taking a seat and scanning Marcus' file over and over again, as he raked his mind to think of a reason as to why he would steal from their family as he knew what they had gone through during the death of Mr.Pearline.

"I think I know how he got into the place without alerting anyone, remember he's been close to Mrs.Pearline since her husband's death, meaning he's been to her house and is familiarized with everyone including the dog so it was the perfect plan." As Nina finished up her confession she finally took the time to look around the room and noticed that all eyes were on her as she finished up. Sniffling coming from the side of her is what broke her out of her train of thought, turning to look where the sound was coming from she noticed Mrs.Pearline with puffy eyes and a red nose with silent tears still falling from her eyes.

"How could he do this to us we trusted him and treated him like family, I don't understand he made a promise to my husband that nothing will ever hurt us. No this can't be right are you sure," she said as she looked at Nina with pleading eyes as if she would just say "He was innocent" but that wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

Nina stared at the lady for a second before speaking, "I am sorry ma'am but all evidence leads to Mr.Georado being the guilty party and I can't falsely accuse someone else."

"Well done Miller we are truly thankful for having you on our team, what would we do without you."Chief Wilson said as patted on her back and walked over to the door so that the arrest would be made. "We have wrapped this case up and found out who did it, so we are now ready to arrest Mr.Georado now if you would," Chief said eyeing everyone in the room.

"Well what are we waiting for let's get this over with." he casts a glance at Nina who looks back and nods before going to the intercom, "Can Mr.Georado please step forward please" as soon as those words leave her mouth Mr.Georado starts to confess. "You got me alright, the trunk is at my place in my closet along with the other belongings." Nina just shakes her head as he turns beet red as the others look at him with a shock that matches then one everyone else shares.

It now had been one week since the case was solved and the public is still buzzing about the case and how quick Nina solved it.

"Man, how do you do it, you just got in there and owned everybody else, man I wish I had skills like that." Nina's friend Zoey said as they were eating their lunches. Nina looked up at her friend who was happily munching on her sandwich and sighed before explaining, "It's really just paying attention to details honestly," Nina said as she got up to throw away her trash before returning.

"DETECTIVE MILLER, DETECTI- oh there you are," a random man said as he looked at Nina and Zoey before starting to talk again as he noticed them look at him expectantly "Oh right Ms.Miller chief would like a word with you in his office." That automatically gets Nina attention as she said her goodbye's before making her way to the chief's office.

Knocking softly, she waited until she heard a faint 'come in'. "You wanted to have a word with me?" Nina said as she walked in. "Why yes, I did please have a seat," Chief spoke while turning to Nina. "As you know we haven't had many cases and you've been working non-stop and I was thinking how about you take a break from work." A break doesn't sound too bad, Nina thought before regaining her focus on the chief, who was looking at her expectantly. "Although a break sounds nice we still have a few more cases to get through before the holiday's sir," Nina said.

Chief eyed Nina warily as he thought, "You're absolutely right we do have cases to get through, well that will be all Ms.Miller thank you again for all of your help." Nina couldn't help but smile at his words and got up before shaking his hand and walking to the door.

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