Chapter Thirty-Five

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Celeste and Taehyung walk up to me, Celeste wearing a short light pearl colored dress and Tae wearing a nice suit with a matching pearl tie.

"The decorations look great, June!" Celeste says. "You did an awesome job. Honestly, I didn't think that you could pull it off."

"Wow, thanks." I laugh. "I didn't really think I could either. But it turned out pretty good." I look around. "Where's the newlyweds? I never got to say congrats!"

Taehyung shrugs. "Probably went off to have a little fun."

"Tae!" Celeste smacks him on the shoulder.

"What?" He laughs. "They probably did! You know those two."

"Yeah," I agree. "They're the kind the people that would do that."

We all laugh and I grab two glasses of champagne and hand them to Taehyung and Celeste. I grab one for myself too. Before I can take a sip, someone plucks it from my grasp.

"No drinks for you tonight," J-Hope says, placing the glass back onto the table. "We don't want to have another drunk incident."

I roll my eyes. "That was over a year ago, Hobi."

"Still, I'm not risking it."

I think back to the time that we're talking about. It was the middle of July and we were all going out to celebrate the 4th of July. I barely remember it, but the members told me that I had stopped on the street and flirted with a tree, then made out with a pole. A bunch of other stuff, but the boys refuse to tell me. Still do.

"I promise that won't happen again," I tell J-Hope.

He shakes his head. "No."

I feel my heart start to race. I stop arguing and look around. He's here. I just can't find where. It's too crowded.

"Looking for someone?" J-Hope asks.

"Um, sort of," I mutter, distracted.

"Who is it? Maybe I can help."

"No, it's fine." I wave him away and walk off into the crowd.

I search through the millions of people. Still no sign of him. I know he's here. There.

I run through the crowd, straight towards him. He turns around and sees me.

"June," RM says, dimples showing. "I thought that you were with J-"

I throw my arms around him, cutting off the rest of his sentence.

"I can't do this anymore," I sob into his shoulder. "I'm sick of pretending."

RM wraps me in his arms. "What are you talking about?"

"J-Hope. I can't lie to him anymore."

"Just tell him, June," RM says. "You might as well do it now before he finds out himself."

"Before who finds out what?"

I turn in RM's arms. Jungkook is standing in front of us, hands on his hips, smirk on his face.

"That's none of your business, Jungkook," RM growls.

Jungkook laughs. "Of course it isn't, but I'm going to guess anyway. This is about J-Hope, isn't it?"

"Get out of here, Jungkook!"

"It is!" Jungkook chuckles. "Then again, everything is these days.

"Jungkook," I say, stepping out of RM's arms. "Please, just stop. This has nothing to do with you."

Jungkook leans in close and I smell a slight tinge of alcohol in his breath. Drunk. He has no idea what he's doing. "Poor little Junie," he smirks. "So conflicted. You know, you don't hide your feelings for RM very well. I'm surprised that you and J-Hope even got this far. It's so obvious."

The color drains from my face. Could it be possible that J-Hope already knows? I start to feel light headed.

"Don't listen to him, June," RM says, but I can barely hear him.

How could I be so stupid. I look around the room. I need to get out of here. It feels like the walls were closing in on me as I force myself to take a step. And another. And another. I feel like I can't breathe--what if I run out of oxygen? My heart rate began to speed up, and so did my breathing. I dash towards the doors. The world around me blurs as my headache gets worse. I reach the doors and slam my shoulder into them. The door swings open and I run outside. Someone calls my name, but I ignore it, running further away. I find myself in the middle of an alley, and a memory surfaces. One that has RM and a girl. A girl named Nikki. My head spins and I stop running. The ground tilts underneath my feet. Everything begins to double in my vision. The world starts fades as I collapse onto the ground. The last thing I see before totally blacking out is someone running towards me. I barely make out his face as he kneels down next to me, mouth moving, but no words come out. 

RM. It's RM.

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