0.7. My Everything

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Chapter 7 - My Everything


They say that once in your lifetime you meet someone that makes you speechless. Someone that invades every single thought in your brain. Someone that makes you happy on the saddest days. Someone that becomes the most special person to you.

When I first met Leila, I knew she was that someone. Although we were young, I knew that she would be the only one for me. She became the oxygen that I needed, and without her, I couldn't breathe. 

I remember when we were younger, we had gotten into an argument and stopped talking for months. That time killed me, but I let my pride get in the way and decided to make her come to me first by arousing jealousy. I asked a girl out. Wendy Wang. Let's just say Leila isn't very fond of that name.

But she ended up surprising me. Instead of approaching either me or Wendy and picking a fight, she decided to go on a date with one of her many admirers. I didn't come to her first. I went to him, warned him away, and then I went to Leila. 

I begged her for forgiveness, hoping she would come back to me. 

In the end, she forgave me and we were both happy again. 

I could only hope that she'd do the same now. 

I was asked who my ideal girl was or what I looked for in a girl. My mind said Leila's name over and over again but something different came out of my mouth. 

The past three years broke me, although I didn't show it. I didn't want to tell Leila that I was leaving because I didn't want to say goodbye. I didn't want to tell her that I was going to be residing on the other side of the world because I was afraid she would end things with me. 

I tried to contact her, but our manager said we could only call the immediate family as trainees. 

The times I did try to sneak in a call, I got caught. 

So when I met her again, I knew it was fate. I wasn't going to let a perfectly good chance to apologize go to waste and I was going to make sure that this time around, she stayed with me. 

She's the complete opposite of me. Totally stubborn, loud, and crazy. I think that's why she intrigues me. She has a heart of gold, and I think that's why I love her. 

Ever since the first day that Got7 met Leila, they couldn't stop complimenting or talking about her and that aggravated me to no end. She was amazing, but shouldn't I be the one to always compliment  her? 

I could tell Jackson was interested in her since he talked about her the most so I told him, "Leila and I dated when we were younger. She's mad at me now, but I will keep apologizing until I'm forgiven."

"What he means to say is," JR interrupted, "She is his and everyone needs to back off."

Everyone laughed and teased me except for Jackson. He smiled, but it didn't quiite reach his eyes. 

I didn't want any trouble, since Jackson was one of my closest friends, but when it came to Leila, I would willingly risk anything.


"What?" I asked, trying not to let my anger show.

"She's with Jackson. They went  to eat breakfast," BamBam replied. 

We were currently practicing for the MCountdown which was going to be later this week. I thought BamBam went to get Leila, but he didn't come back with her.

"Where are they?" I couldn't focus on the dance moves because I kept thinking about Leila and Jackson together. 

BamBam shrugged, "Molla. I think they went back to her dorm." 

"What!?" I yelled. 

BamBam looked at me, surprised. I usually didn't show my feelings and didn't raise my voice often.

I laughed nervously, " I mean, um, I'll be right back."

Before I could knock, the door suddenly opened and revealed a stunned Leila who was steadied by Jackson. I narrowed my eyes at his hand on her arm.

"What have you two been doing in there?" I asked. 

Before I could say anything else, JYP showed up and asked the same thing humourously.

After he left, I basically interrogated them and then left. I was mad at Jackson. I couldn't control the fury that washed over me.

When we both got back to the room, BamBam asked, "Where is Leila?"

I looked at Jackson and he scratched the back of his neck. 

"Uh, she said she's coming later. She and I ate breakfast at her place so she's cleaning up."

During the practice, Jackson kept bumping into me purposely and that annoyed me. I wanted to let it go since he was just joking and playing around, but I was already mad at him from earlier. I had no right to be angry, but I couldn't control it. 

"Hey," Jackson whispered to me as we were finishing up, "I thought about what you said earlier about Leila being yours."

I didn't respond, but I was curious as to what he was trying to say.

"What if I decide that I like Leila also?"

"No, you asshole, she's mine." I lunged at him and threw the first punch. 


Hello everyone! 

This chapter was a bit boring, but I just wanted to give you and insight on Mark and Leila's past and also why Jackson and Mark fought.

I am in no way trying to make Jackson look like the bad guy here so please don't think that of him! Please continue to support Jackson as well as Mark and the rest of Got7, as they are very precious.

Thank you!


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