Let's break up.....

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Let's break up

Did I do something wrong?
Please tell me
We can work this out
Please Eijun
I love you
Can you at least tell me why?

I got tired of you

Didn't you love me?!
Cause I love you so damn much
We can make this work out please!

I loved you, but not anymore
I'm sorry
But I'm tired of you were over
Just understand that

Sawamura please comeback to me
I love you



Miyuki didn't understand why, his boyfriend of 5 years breakup with him just because he got tired?!, they were so happy together, they were even laughing last night, they even make love for pete's sake! So he didn't understand what is wrong with Sawamura, he love him so much that it hurts him, he would literally go crazy if Sawamura didn't come back to him, he's whipped

~The next Day~

Please Sawamura talk to me
Please I cant leave without you
Tell me if somethings wrong
Please let's make it up
Sawamura please!
Eijun I'm begging you



Each passing second Miyuki got more and more frustrated, Sawamura is still not replying to his text, It's been 3 days since Sawamura and Miyuki break up, and Miyuki still can't move on, he didn't understand why Sawamura break up with him, he became a good loyal loving boyfriend, all of the girls love and adore him and they evn try to seduce him, but NO!, Miyuki doesn't even spare them a glance, he's too busy looking and staring at Sawamura to even notice them, all of their friends, classmates and even batch mates Were jealous of their relationship, I mean who wouldn't?

Miyuki is the perfect boyfriend that any girl want, any girl that try to seduce, every girls dream, while Sawamura is the perfect "Uke" anyone guy would want and any guy dream to have, so it's only natural to be jealous of this two when they end up together

~One Week Later...~

Sawamura please
I'm not giving up on you
I love you please
I promise you I would became a better boyfriend
Please I can't still move on from you
I love you so much
I love you so frikkin much
Please tell me is something wrong
Tell me what's wrong


Miyuki is too overjoy that Sawamura, THE Sawamura answer him

It's Sawamura's mom
He passed away 6:00 today
He know...
He know that he would die soon
We know
We  just didn't know it would be this early
He told us to tell you
To go to his room
In his bedroom, on top of it
You would see a letter
Before he was rushed here on the hospital he made it
He knows....
He knows that he would die
His only wish is for you to go there
It's his last statement

Miyuki didn't know what to do, so while crying he rush to his boyfriends house and was greeted by the maids, he go straight to Sawamura's room, Searching he found a neatly made futon with a letter, just like what Sawamura's mom told him, on top of it

Shakingly he grab it and read it, while reading it he cannot stop his tears from flowing

"Dear Miyuki,

   How are you, I sure do hope your not angry at me, I want you to understand that I only do it because I know, the doctors told me, I just didn't want to hurt you, your so happy, for the time that we spend together, they were the happiest seconds, minutes, hours, day, months, and years, I want you to start a new life without me, start a life without me, You make me so happy, If I would be given a second life, I would still choose to spend it with you, If I were given a longer life, if I were given a much more healthier one, I would gladly spend it with you and only you, you always ask me why at random times, I say I love you to you right? and I always say that it was because I want to right?, but the truth is that I did that because my chest hurt, I did that whenever my chest hurt just in case it was the end, I still love you, and I always will, this is my goodbye to you, Goodbye Miyuki, I love you more than anything or anyone in this world, even now as my chest hurt, I still think about you, cause whenever I do It helps me ease up the pain

Sincerely, Yours Forever
  Sawamura Eijun

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