(Prinxiety) Gay

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Use of gay as a joke slurr?


"What do ya mean, "what" are you stupid?" Virgil mocked, glaring over to Roman. Who was spacing off, just way out of it.

"Well, exc-hu-use me Hot Topic. I wasnt paying attention."

"We were talking about our plans with Joan, Talyn and Jay today." Logan spoke up, offering Roman an explanation.

"Oh yes! Well, I was thinking we could go to Subway; for Talyn that is. Then perhaps something fun like roller skat-"

"Absolutely not."

Roman cleared his throat, ignoring Virgil. "Movie thea-"


His face controted into that of irritation. "Lazer Tag?!"

"N- ... Yeah I could do Lazer tag."

"Yay Lazer tag!" Patton cheered.

"Alright. I will alert Thomas of this decision. Brb."

"You don't say-" Virgil spoke up, but it war too late, Logan had already long since sunken down. "Brb out loud." He finished anyways.

"I'll go too!" Patton said and was gone out of the mind.

Roman glanced to Virge, "thank you- I thought you were just going to keep going until i suggested something without people."

Virgil scoffed, "I've gotta let you have your fun somehow. Love ya, Princey."

Roman smirked, walking over and wrapping his arms around Virgil's waist. "Awe, Gracias Mi amor." The fantible trait whispered, pressing his forehead to Anxieties.

"Toatally not Gay!" Deceit called from across the room, causing a purple cased phone fly acrossed the room and hit him square in the nose.

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