Chapter 9

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(Y/n)'s POV

~After school~

Mikleo had avoided me all day. He didn't even bother making eye contact and just passed me by as if we had never even met before. That was fine with me. It was better this way.

I half-heartedly served coffee to the customers that came in but no one seemed to notice. Mika didn't bother scolding me for some weird reason. I didn't mind though. After all, no one liked to receive a scolding.

As I wiped the tables clean, the little bell jingled, signalling that a customer had come in. I looked at the doorway only to see Mikleo and his friends head towards a table.

My heart sank. I would have to serve them. The last thing I wanted was to talk to them. As I put the cloth back in the sink, I reluctantly went over to their table and faked a smile.

"Can I get something for you all?"
"Hey (Y/n)," Sorey greeted.
"Afternoon Sorey."
"Just two slices of lemon meringue pie and three lattes."
"Alright. Well then, I'll bring your order soon."

The two girls, Alisha and Rose, flashed me a welcoming smile while Sorey went back to talking to Mikleo. Mikleo ignored my presence, as if I wasn't a ghost.

Ugh, my head hurt. Why was it that every time I worked here I felt slight headaches and exhaustion? Well, whatever. I didn't have time to think about this.

I noticed that my hands were starting to turn invisible. Oh great...what was I supposed to do now? I was sure that all the customers would be running away as soon as they saw my ghost-like face.

Just as I was about to bring the food to Sorey's table, a scream followed by the sound of people running caught everyone's attention. We all ran outside to see what the commotion was.

I quickly ducked to avoid the incoming rubble. What was happening here? These attacks almost never came so why now? Mikleo and the others immediately went to purify the malevolence while I couldn't do a thing.

The school was preparing us in case things like this ever occurred but I couldn't do a single thing. Why was I so useless?

I tried to get my powers to work but couldn't. I was too afraid. I didn't know what would happen if they did manage to work. It had been a long time since the last time I used my powers properly.

The small failures and flimsy attempts I did in class were nothing. Now that this was happening, I was almost starting to regret not taking those classes seriously.

My hands shook violently as I remembered the past. No, I couldn't use my powers, not now and not ever. They were strong enough to kill.

By now, I could tell that my whole body was invisible except for the uniform I was wearing. No one noticed me as I stood quietly in front of Mika's cafe.

Even if humans and seraphim didn't notice me, the malevolence sure did. After deciding that going after humans that would be defended by Sorey and his friends would be harder, it headed straight towards me.

Of course, that was expected. I was an easy prey: harmless, scared and a coward. Should I accept my end or should I fight back? What was I living for anyway? Was there any point in a life filled with fear and worry?...but I was scared of death.

I didn't want to die but there was nothing I could do now. There was no way I could activate my powers and I was physically weak. I guess it was time for me to go...

"Watch out!"

I was pushed to the ground, just before the malevolence got to me. Mikleo quickly stood up and defeated the rest of them that were surrounding us. I painfully sat up and dusted the dirt off my clothes.

"Even if I thought wrongly about you, you don't deserve to die. At least have the will to protect yourself even if others get hurt in the process. After all, all humans fight to survive," he exclaimed softly before going off to find his friends.

I could only stare at his back as he ran off. Why did he bother telling me that? Did he honestly want me to survive despite hurting others while doing so?...But I just couldn't bring myself to. I was...too afraid of myself.

"Oi (Y/n), come back inside," Mika ordered.

The invisibility had worn off, which I was grateful for. I quickly stood up and followed Mika inside. Catherine was the only one sitting at a small table with some coffee. Shiori wasn't here.

"The citizens of this town are already being protected so there's no need for you to try and act heroic. I'm closing up shop early because of the commotion. Help clean up," said Mika.

I nodded quietly and helped her wipe down the table surfaces and wash the dishes. To be honest, while doing these things, I couldn't help but go over the words that Mikleo had said to me.

It was true that all humans fought to survive and bring others down. But that probably didn't relate to me. I wasn't human so why did his words stay trapped inside my mind?

"(Y/n), I want a cappuccino," Catherine exclaimed.
"What? But you just finished one," Mika argued.
"So what? I like my coffee and plus, I don't care if you're closing up now."
"*sigh* (Y/n), make one for her."

I hurriedly went to the kitchen to bring out the equipment that Mika had put away. Why did Catherine have to make life harder for everyone around her?

Damn it, my arms felt really did my legs and mind. What was happening to me?...

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