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"Dude! This is an awesome party, man," said Johnny as he held onto the fireplace mantle for support. Josh looked around and shook his head. "Hey, we need to clean this up tomorrow after you sleep it off." Josh scanned the living room, seeing red plastic cups and empty beer cans strewn all over the floor, the counters, in the shower. People unknown to the hosts were passed out on the couches, the floor, and one in a closet. "Johnny! There's food squished into the carpet, which will probably be the reason we don't get our deposit back." The room-mates have lived in their two bedroom apartment just a week, and this was their house warming party. Probably the first party of many for the two twenty-two year olds.

Josh heard a feint knock at the door within the loud music. Josh opened the door. "Hi! I'm Becca. I live three doors down and heard the music so I thought I would come over."
Josh shook her hand. "Of course! Come on in!" Josh stared at this new, girl that entered his home. Becca was twenty-one, long, dark hair with purple highlights that fell past her shoulders, and was beautiful. "Becca, I'm Josh, and I must say, you're beautiful!" "Well, thanks. You're sweet."

"What do you do, Becca?"
"I work as a Production Assistant for a television studio in Los Angeles. I also take acting classes twice a week in hopes to someday launch my career."
"Of course...I can picture you on TV."
"Thanks, Josh. I'm from Colorado."
"Never been there. I hear it's beautiful."
"Yep, it's got some scenery, that's for sure."
"Well, make your self at home, Becca, and if you ever need anything, just knock." "Thanks, I will."

Becca started to turn towards the living room. Josh said, "Oh. That drunk guy leaning against the fridge about to dent the stainless steel as he's unknowingly kicking his heel into it is my friend, and soon to be ex-room mate, Johnny." Becca laughed. "Boy, that was a mouthful! You're a funny guy Josh. What do you do?" Josh looked down at the floor before responding, "Oh, I work for the University." Becca put her hand on Josh's shoulder and replied, "Okay, are you one of those guys I have to ask a million questions to get you to talk? What do you do at the University?" Josh smirked, thinking he just blew any image of him being cool.

"I'm sorry. I work for the campus police. I actually enforce parking regulations. It gives me a discount on tuition. I just didn't want to come out and say I work in law enforcement too soon." Becca smiled and replied, "Oh, so you waited seven-seconds to get to know me better before you told me. Good plan!"

Josh laughed and looked into Becca's light green eyes, framed by dark black, thick eyeliner. "Becca, I've got a good feeling about you." Becca put both hands around Josh's neck and said, "Very trusting, aren't you?" She leaned in and gave Josh a kiss on the cheek, winked, and walked away. Josh caught up to her and suggested they swap phone numbers. "Just incase you feel like calling instead of knocking. It's always good for neighbors to have each others phone never know." Becca

grinned. "You're cleaver, Josh. What a way to get my number!" Josh grinned and put her hand on Becca's shoulder. "Seriously, it's a good idea, neighbor." Becca gave Josh another kiss on the cheek and put her empty red cup on the coffee table. "I would put my cup in the trash, but it appears it needed emptying two hours ago." Josh looked towards the kitchen and saw the trash was overflowing with red cups, plates, and half eaten sandwiches on the floor. Johnny staggered out of the kitchen towards the front door. "Becca, this is my room-mate Johnny."

"Welcome Buh...Buh...Becca. Sorry, I've had a few beers."
"Really! I never would have guessed that!" Becca smiled. "I just told Josh here my apartment is three doors down, and I'm from Colorado. Now you're caught up."
"Never been to Colorado. I hear it's beautiful."
"Wow, now where have I heard that before? Did you two rehearse?"
The three laughed.
Johnny swayed in a circular motion as he stood. "Nice meeting you. I better sit down." Johnny sat on a chair in the living room. Becca said, "Alright Josh, I'm gonna cruise the party a bit."
"Enjoy, neighbor."
Becca walked around checking out the apartment layout and the people at the party.

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