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This Book Is Sponsored By The Letter C

(For anyone confused by the title it is Jelix and Jealous put together)

To my ghost readers thank you alot for reading.


Mark's POV

"And take your goddamn clothes! I knew I shouldn't trusted you!" I slammed door right behind her as she gave mean hateful glare. I leaned against the door and turned around while sliding down to the floor.
Letting out a deep sigh, regretting my decisions.

I knew I shouldn't let her take me home I shouldn't went to the bar. I could've ignored her when I had the chance.
Fuck, I lost him.

I rubbed my hand in my hair stressfully, and took out my phone.
I unlocked the phone and went into my messages searching for his name.




I let out a deep breath and started to text him but, I stop when I see tons of texts from him over years ago when I went quote on, quote on "missing".
I swiped until, I seen the first message I have gotten from him.

J: Mark where are you? I haven't seen you in 2 days!


J: Did you drop out or something?

J: Are you okay??


J: I'm worried Mark. Please text me back.


J: Polices gave up and presumed you're dead Mark. Where are you?

J: Please don't be dead. I miss you.


J: Months have passed nobody have seen you where are you :(

J: I'm losing hope Mark for fucking sakes!
Please respond!


J: I have lost hope Mark. All of it. You won't respond and you're not socializing with anyone.


J: I miss you alot then I thought I would. It's Christmas and I'm alone. I really do miss you even if I did hate you. I love you for fuck sakes and I have to admit it.
I just want to see you and hear your voice again. My heart hurts.


J: Found out you're in prison. Fucking prison. That's why you haven't been responding.
I hate to say it but, I'm disappointed.
Goodbye Mark.

That was the last message he ever sent me.
I need to update my phone it's kinda old...

I stared at the last message feeling the inside me break until, I get a random notification.

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I forgot Felix even existed wonder how's he even doing even though me and him weren't per say the bestest of friends.

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