Chapter 2

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He had almost missed it completely, his mind focused on the game he was playing with a barely sentient species of Saurian. But of course he hadn't missed it, he never really did miss anything now did he?

As soon as he noticed it though he brought all of his senses and attention to bear on the dimensions and the reality from which he 'felt' the consciousness emerging. As soon as he had he was struck with a sense of awe, something which he had experienced only once before in his existence. It took something truly awesome to strike awe into a member of his species, being omnipotent and all.

On second thought he considered that their omnipotence might be an overestimation, as he took stock of the consciousness he sensed and the dimensions it existed in simultaneously. Taking into account the consciousness's sudden appearance into his sensory range it lead to no other conclusion than that the consciousness had been in dimensions or realities outside his perceptions before it appeared.

He decided to postpone contemplating that conundrum for a later time and chalk it up to lack of omniscience rather than omnipotence for the time being. He had to scrutinize this consciousness with all of his senses and learn as much as he could, and maybe even alert the others of his species to its existence. This might be the second known 'entity' that was as far evolved or farther as his species was.

But as he came closer to the consciousness, as far as one could speak of location in multidimensional and multiple reality matters, he noticed the consciousness resolving itself into one reality and into one single universe.

Dumbfounded for a moment, something that never happened to one of his species, he was just in time in following the consciousness to witness the consciousness take form, coalesce and finally resolve into a tiny insignificant clump of matter. It all happened so fast that it took him a few moments to realize the clump of matter was, in fact, a life form indigenous to this reality and universe.

It had become human. It took him a few moments to overcome the shock he had been in (another first for his species as far as he knew) and consider what he knew to come to a decision on the best course of action. A consciousness beyond anything he had ever known, or heard of, came into existence and within moments had become a human being.

It had actually become a real Human being. His species had the ability to manifest themselves as one form of matter or another, but not the ability to actually become it. He marveled at that for a moment, which humans would measure as taking one millionth of a nano-second, before coming to the conclusion that he should alert the others of his species of what he had learned and continue to observe the consciousness turned human as close as he could until he got a reply from the Qmzrt dimension.

Measured in human terms it took only half a second for that reply to arrive. It arrived in the form of the most notorious member of his species appearing next to him. "Hello Qmzrt, it's Qmzrt, i've been sent to investigate this discovery of yours" he said, adding; "Ah ah ah, i've been sent because of my first hand experience with both humans and powerful entities that rival or surpass our own species considerable abilities."

At that point Qmzrt already knew that he was expected to return to the Qwmzrt dimension to report on this discovery in person, and that debating the issue would be pointless.

"Okay, i'll be off then Qmzrt" he told Qmzrt and zipped off into the Qwmzrt dimension. Qmzrt took a few moments to verify what he had been told Qmzrt had found. It was inconceivable that a Qmzrt could have made a mistake but nevertheless Qmzrt figured that he'd better be safe than sorry in this case.

Sure enough, there it was. A human being with a consciousness that was unfathomably expansive. And for something to be unfathomable for a Qmzrt it took a really really really expansive expanse. He was duly impressed, as well as confused.

Why would any entity with such an expansive consciousness, and such capabilities, choose to exist as something as simple as a human being. Sure, the humans were fascinating as far as corporal beings went, but even among his fellow Qmzrts there were many who found his fascination with the humans to be beneath them.

And of-course Qmzrt himself had once been a human for a while, though not entirely of his own free will. Parallel to that thought Qmzrt wondered about something else too. Would the consciousness be aware of Qmzrt's presence, and if so, to what extent?

Cautiously Qmzrt began sensing out the dimensions and realities closest to the one the consciousness had confined itself, which by coincidence was the one in which his ami Sjaak eeked out his existence. He couldn't sense anything and neither did the consciousness show any sign of sensing anything.

Qmzrt decided to observe the humans and the consciousness, while staying just slightly enough out of phase with this reality to not exist in it and still be able to sense and witness everything that happened in it, close up.

Just then, as he got close to the consciousness and was confident he could let it, and the Human it had become, come under the full scrutiny of all his senses, he realized there was something completely wrong with what he found.

He couldn't really quantify it, or even explain what gave him the notion that something was wrong but something was. He just knew it. And the wrong was going to have consequences for the entire multiverse in all the realities he knew to exist. If he could only find out what it was. Ah well. Time would tell.

The consciousness existed in a linear time reality now after all didn't he?

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