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"It's not fair. I know." She spoke kindly.

"How'd you-" I was confused. Finally I turned to look at her she was pretty with elegant features.

"It's not like people come here to party." She said, an understanding smile grew on her face.

"I guess that's true." I spoke back, laughing a little.

I inspected her more closely, a white hospital gown hung from her body.

"Are you-"

"I'm fine don't worry." She cut me off again.

"How do you what I'm-"

"I've spoken to a lot of people and it always goes in the same direction. I'm sorry it probably seems rude. That is not my intention, at all." Again, she cut me off

"I'm sorry. It must be boring going through the the same questions, just with different people." I spoke apologetically.

"Don't worry. It's kind of funny to see their reaction." She said a smile dawning on her face.

"It's my mum." I said.

"Oh." She replied, a wash a sadness set across her face.

"That's the worst. They're the people that care about you most. It sucks to see them suffer." She exclaimed giving a greifed smiled toward the ground.

"Yeah. She doesn't deserve this. The nurse said she'd be ok, but it's hard seeing someone you care so much for strung up with tubes." I looked down at my lap, just as she was.

"No one deserves it. Just, shit happens, people can't stop that. Sometimes you just need to be optimistic. And trust me, trust the nurses. Sure, sometimes they aren't right, no one's right all the time. But it's better to live believing the best will happen rather than to live in fear of the worst." She said, she seemed so wise for such a young person. Her words were comforting though.

I turned to face her, brown hair whipped out from the back of her head in the soft wind.

"Ah, sorry this is probably weird at this point, but what's your name?" I hoped that question wouldn't come off as creepy.

"My name's Y/n. What's yours?" Y/n, that's quite a pretty name. I was surprised she asked, maybe she just didn't want to be rude.

"I'm Chris. But sometimes people call me Chan."

"It's a pleasure to meet you." She mocking a formal voice, I let out a small laugh at this and replied "The pleasure is mine."

"It's not much, but you can have this if you like." She explained, laughing a little, as she held out a small flower, presumably collected from the garden. It was small and blue, beautiful in its own way.

I took the flower, surprised, I mean I'd only just met this girl; she must be really sweet.

"Uhm, I should probably go now, I want to see my mum again, just one last time before I go and I have to stuff to do." I explained, regrettably.

"Hey, don't sound so upset, I know I'm brilliant and all but, you've gotta do whatcha gotta do so. And I mean, if you ever want to talk again, I'll probably be here." She said in such a comforting voice.

"Thanks." I said gratefully, smiling at her. I looked at the tiny flower one last time before standing up.

I walked off before hearing one last bye from the girl. I turned around, smiling back at her waving and saying bye.


The bed still consumed my mother. Tubes hung like snakes from machines, machines I didn't understand. My hand folded out and the flower was faced up in my palm. I smiled at it.

My legs lifted me from my seat. I looked over mum. Some hair hung over her usually sparkling eyes, which were now shut. The hair was moved softly by hand. I put the flower above her ear, in her hair.

"Please get better soon mum. I love you." I didn't even notice the tears welling in my eyes. I blinked them away. I sighed sadly and left.

A/n: Garden was the 420th word in this chapter. Idk if it still is but it was, so. This chapter is a little shorter, sorry bout that.

Today was weird. There was a kid yelling really loudly at school he was like "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK" and then I saw a chicken just chillin' in someone's front yard. And in the last week I got attacked by a bird. Multiple times. Also discovered Yungblud and Cavetown so YEET

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2018 ⏰

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