Day One

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Angela’s P.O.V

“Genji! Genji, where are you!” I screamed bugs… “Doctor Ziegler… Really, I thought you were in trouble.” “But… I am. The bug is scaring me!” I started to cry. “And please… Call me Angela, and can you kill that bug!” I hugged my pillow tightly as Genji killed the bug with one of his shurrikens. “There, it's dead.” “Thank you Genji, Thank you!” I got off my bed and hugged him. “It was just a bug…” I looked at him straight in the face. “I don't care… I hate bugs. Anyways I'm off to bed, goodnight Genji!” “Goodnight Angela.” He shut my door and walked away. My face turned red. “Genji… There are many things that you must know… But I'm to scared to tell them to you. Ah ha! I'll just write them down and send a letter to you. I'm so smart!” Then I realized that I was talking to myself. I started to write things down on a piece of paper.

Dear Genji,

I would like to tell you many things that you may or may not like… Hopefully you do like what I am about to tell you, I wish I could tell you in person but… I'm too shy for that, anyways, this is what I want to tell you. I love you, I love you with all my heart… When you came into my room today my heart started to beat so hard I felt like I was going to pass out… And when you killed that hideous thing that was in my room I felt safe. I really hate bugs… They're so gross and slimy and disg- Nevermind… All I wanted to tell you is that I love you… Deeply love you.

Love, Angela

After I wrote the last letter on that piece of paper I fell fast asleep with my face on top of the paper. When I woke up and stretched my arms, I looked at my desk to see the paper but, the paper was not there. “Oh my god, oh my god! Where's the paper!” I looked around the room but it was not anywhere. I looked at the mirror that was in my room and on the side of my face… was the piece of paper, it was stuck to my face. I took it off my face and placed it on my desk. “I thought I lost you…” I went over to my wardrobe to get a change of clothes, when I opened the doors of the wardrobe there was a note that said, To Angela. “I wonder who put this here…” I opened the letter to find a piece of paper which said,

Dear Angela Ziegler

I would like to tell you something that I kept inside. I hope you like this note I wrote you… It was hard to write to you because I… I love you and sometime we should go on a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- please, maybe? -------- thank you for reading this note! -------------, love you!


“That's odd, someone likes me but… I don't know who it is, hopefully Genji!” My face turned red just from saying Genji… What's wrong with me. I sighed and put on a different change of clothes. “Angela? Are you awake?” Oh my god that was Genji’s voice! “Y-yes I am awake!” “May… I come in?” “Um… S-sure!” I started to shake… My heart started to beat so fast… He opened the door to only see me. My face turned red and he looked at me and started saying something but I couldn't hear him since I was in this dream thing or whatever, just staring into his eyes. I was coming closer to his face… So he was coming closer to my face… Oh my god, are we about to kiss! But… Before we got to kiss, Jack came running into my room.“Angela! There's a fir- what the fu- nevermind…” I screeched, “Ever heard of knocking!” “I'm your commander I don't need to knock.” “What if I was naked!” His face turned red. “Ah ha ha, I'd like to see tha-” I slapped him “Get out of my room!” I thought to myself for a second… Was that letter that was in my wardrobe from Jack? I can tell he likes me… But I don't feel the same back. “But I need to tell you something Angela.” “Yeah, what is it.” “Angela I lo-” Right before he could say the last word a fire alarm came on. “Beep Beep, Emergency on floor two, Beep Beep.” “I'll tell you later…” “O-okay” Jack ran out the room to go see what's happening on floor two. I turned to look at Genji, he was holding the letter that I wrote for him. “Angela, what's this?” “N-nothing ha ha, just don't open it!” “But why not? It has my name on it.” “I-I… Just don't open it yet… Please!” “Okay.” He placed down the letter and walked towards my window. He sat on the ledge of it. “Angela.” “Hm? Yes Genji?” He looked outside. “Can you… Come here…” My face turned red as I walked towards him. “Yes?” “Look!” He pointed at the building next to us. “Oh my God! It's on fire!” Genji and I ran downstairs to get to the other building. “Hold up Genji! I'm too slow… Stop running so fast!” “Okay, just hurry up.” “I can't, why don't you try running in heels!” He started to laugh. “What are you laughing abo-” I tripped… “Ouch…” Genji reached out to help me up. “Thank you Genji.” “Anything for you!” He gave me a quick smile then we continued to run. I still could not run with these heels… It hurts so bad, so I decided to take them off. Why'd I even choose them to run with? When we reached the burning building I was so tired… I fell to the floor and fell asleep. “Angela? Wake up Angela.” “G-genji? I'm too tired…” He chuckled and picked me up. He placed me on a bench. “Angela, I'll wake you up when I am done with the building.” He kissed me on the cheek and left.

Genji’s P.O.V

I placed Angela on a bench so she could get some rest. “Angela, I'll wake you up when I am done with the building.” I kissed her on the cheek but, before I could leave she held my arm and tightly squeezed it, “Please don't leave me father…” I thought to myself… What happened to Angela’s parents? She never talks about them… I sighed, “Father don't leave me like mother did…” She started to cry. “Don't leave me alone! Please!” I grabbed her hand and said, “You are never alone… You always have me.” I let go of her hand and sat down next to her, lifting her head and putting it on my lap and then slowly fell asleep.

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