Day Six

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Genji's P.O.V

"W-Where.. Am I?" I looked around but I couldn't see anything, everything was black. "Oh! You're finally awake big bro!" "Lilithy..." "Aw... You look so sad, you have changed since I have last seen you, you're more robotic? What had happened to you?" "You don't remember? Brother almost... nearly killed me..." "Hanzo!?! He would never do that to his own brother?!" She looked at me with a confused face, "Are you sure it was Hanzo?" "Yeah... He hung me on a wall and gave me slashes across the back, and cut me with my own sword." "Again, do you think it was really Hanzo? Or.... Do you think it was a person dressed as Hanzo so you thought it was Hanzo?" I did not respond. "Why am I here?" She turned on the lights, "Why are you here, I don't know? Don't ask me, ask master." Master? Who is this master that she talks about, "Who is this master you speak of?" "Um... Father?" I was speechless when I heard father, "Father is alive! I heard that he died, was the roomers a lie?" She untied me, "Go look for yourself." She pointed at a door that said, Mr. Shimada. I grabbed the knob to open the door but then I thought to myself, could this be a trap? If it isn't what would father say about me, how I dishonored the Shimada Clan? "Well go on, go say hello to father, he is waiting for you." "Fineee..." I opened the door to see...

Angela's P.O.V

I woke to the sound of my phone ringing in my pocket, "Um...?" I looked around, it looked like a back alley. Why am I always getting into areas like this... Why am I always the one to get into trouble or danger... "Hello...?" It looked like there was no one around, I was tied to a chair in a middle of an abandoned alley. "Huh..." My phone continued to ring, "This is getting annoying, no one is here and no one is coming." For some reason I still had my knife on me, so I cut the ropes that were attached to my hands and grabbed my phone, "Hello?" It was just static, "Uh... Hello?" Still static. It feels like I am in a horror film or something like that. I hung up my phone and placed it back into my pocket. I looked around the alley for an exit, but I couldn't find any. The only thing that I saw was a symbol in the shape of a disappearing cloak. To be honest it was all over, "What does this mean..." I rubbed my hand against the symbol and wiped some dust off it. It had said Stealthlying, I didn't know what it meant so I kept searching around for an exit. As I was looking, I kept wondering where Genji was. "Why hello there, Doctor Angela Ziegler." I looked up and saw an intercom, "I am glad that I could finally get to talk to you." "What do you want!" "I want you, your intelligence to improve our work." "And why would I help you?" "Because if you do not, we have Genji and we will kill him." "No!" "Then do as we say!" "Fine..." "Good, I'll send two guards to get you out of our simulation room." I had to act fast, I did not want to help them at all but I also did not want Genji to suffer. I hid behind some boxes that were placed in a corner when I heard the guards coming. "So.. how was your day Ron?" "Meh.. it was okay." They entered the simulation room and looked for me. "Um... Where is she?" I grabbed my knife and jabbed it into both of their necks. "Oh okay... Easy enough I guess?" I walked out the door that was supposedly a screen that was in a picture, what? Nevermind I don't know what I am talking about. Anyway, I walked through the halls of the Stealthlying base I am guessing, to find Genji.

Genji's P.O.V

I opened the door to only see nothing but darkness, "Have fun big bro..." Lilithy pushed me down into the room and locked the door. "Let me out!" There was no response, "I will figure out a way to get out of this room!" She really hates me doesn't she?" I turned on my neon lights that Angela installed for me on my cybernetic body and looked around the room that I was in. There was literally nothing in here, the only thing there was, was a symbol on the wall. It read, "Unstopables..." When I spoke those words the door unlocked, "Ah, good job big bro!" "Wait what?" "You really thought that we hated you?" "Uh... Yeah?" "Pshhhhhh, well you thought wrong!" From the shadows Hanzo came out, "Ah, Genji... what a pleasure seeing you aga-" I put my sword to his throat, "Woah woah, calm down!" Lilithy reached for my sword and pushed it down, "Bro... Calm down, I'm telling you that Hanzo did not harm you." "Wait you think that I harmed you Brother?" "Um... Yeah... You literally slashed my body with my own sword?" "Um... No I did not?" "Then who was it?" "How the fu-" "It was the Sleathlying group Genji. They dressed up as Hanzo and hurt you." "Wait so I did not dishonor the Shimada Cla-" Lilithy interrupted me, "We're the Unstopables now, we left that clan a while back." "But that was father's clan!" "To tell you the truth he was the first to leave." "Wait what?" They both said, "You ask too much questions." The both started to laugh. "So... Did I dishonor you guys at all?" Lilithy ran over to a chest and grabbed some tape and placed it over my mouth, "Hush child. Anyway, Genji you should get some rest..." Hanzo agreed with her, "But I literally just woke up?" Lilithy injected me once again with the same stuff with she did yesterday. "Can you stop injecting me with that stu-" I fell to the floor dead asleep.

Angela's P.O.V

When I was searching through the halls of the base I overheard a conversation between two guards, "I can't believe that stupid woman fell for that, she really thinks that we have Genji!" "I know right!" They both laughed. "Hey guys!" They both turned to look at me confused, "Oh! There she is, hello! Wait..." They just realized that I was not supposed to be out, but guess what? I shanked them with my knife. Haha... But guess what I got knocked out because someone came up behind me and smacked me with a club.

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