Heathens (Chapter 11)~Revealed Secrets

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The blonde's eyes were wide. His body went on autopilot. Despite the aching in his thighs and body, he slipped past Laurance and bolted up the stairs as fast as he could with his withering body. Right as Garroth had gotten to the door, he felt a hand grip firmly onto his shoulder.

"You don't want to walk out of that door, Garroth."


Garroth's breath hitched, and his eyes widened even more than they already had. His stomach was turning, and his mind was screaming at him to get out, but his body and mind didn't communicate. Garroth stayed put, stuck in place like a statue. He was terrified, terrified of what Laurance could do to him if he tried to escape and tell anyone about this.

"I'm gonna let go now," Laurance's grip started to loosen, only to get tight again, "if you try to run, both you and Gene will be dead. Got it?"

"G-Got it. ." Garroth nodded his head shakily.

"Good." Laurance took his hand off of Garroth's shoulder, "I figured this was going to happen when you came over. I wish it hadn't, but I came prepared anyway. Anything that you'll think of doing to get out is useless. There's already something there to prevent whatever scheme you come up with. I'm not dumb. I know that if I let you out, you'll tell the authorities, and I'm not going to jail. After everything I've done, all the chaos I've caused, I'm not going to jail because of some scumbag like Gene."

"What you did to him is wrong. . ." The blonde sputtered out

"What he did to me, and everyone else in this world is wrong!" Laurance exclaimed, "He deserves this! Just like every other Shadow Robber!"

"So. . . That means that you deserve that."

"There's a difference between me and them. I left, quit, am an ex-Shadow Robber. I'm better! I don't deserve this crap."

"Neither does Gen--"

"You don't get a say!" Laurance pushed Garroth into the door, brows furrowed angrily.

Garroth grunted, eyes squeezing shut as pain spread throughout his body. His body was stinging, every fibre of his being was screaming at him. The blonde was in unimaginable pain and distress. He wished he could be in that damn hospital room where he was drowned with misery instead of in this prison with a twisted, charming, handsome psychopath.

"You're asking too many questions," Laurance said after a pause, "you need to be put in your place. Lets go." He lead Garroth away, hand on the collar of the blonde's shirt.


"Hey," Dante pursed his lips. His secret visitor had come to visit him once again.

"Hey. . ." The voice started, walking further into the room.

"Have you heard anything about Garroth? I've been asking the nurses about his condition, and all they do it scream and run away. . ." Dante's voice trailed off.

"Oh. . . Uh, no one told you?" The brunette started

"Told me what?" Dante pursed his lips, worry spreading over his body

"Uh, Dante? Garroth went missing the other day. He was taken by Laurance Zvhal."

"L-Laurance Zvhal?"

"Laurance Zvhal. He's an ex-Shadow Robber. He and I were there to burn down the O'khasis Fashion HQ."

"Wait, WHAT?" Dante's head whipped around, eyes narrowing at Vylad, "You assisted the burning of the O'khasis Fashion HQ? YOU'RE A SHADOW ROBBER?"

All My Friends Are Heathens •Gaurance, Zanvis, Vlante•Where stories live. Discover now