Chapter Five

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(A/N: Alright people! I have few more chapters that aren't smuts so I suggest you guys— *Groans from the readers and shouts* GIVE ME A BREAK PEOPLE! JEEZ CONTROL YOUR GENES WILL YA—?! Anyway! A Lemon will come if it comes! Wait that came out wrong.. Fuck. Anyway, stop being so horny or something or you'll end up like Adam with his horns sticking up. Get it because he has horns on top of his head? Never mind. Anyway. Enjoy!!)

I never assigned for this, (Y/N) thought to himself as he walks along the
corridor with his books on his hand. He has his thought way over the things Yang did to him. And to the fact that blonde chick is the one who took his virginity. (A/N: I almost typed 'her'. Damn it I almost thought this is a G!P.)

And to the fact his mother put on a death sentence, well sort of. Into his damn neck as Yang's little fingers wrapped around his neck like a mere puppet.

Meet me at the sparring room later.
Don't be late, Goodwitch.
Sent 9:46 a.m.

(Y/N) sigh as he read the message that Yang sent him a while ago and type that he won't be late in a matter of minutes. Teenage life has a lot of depression you know?! And Yang pressuring him into this kind of thing is not helping him at all. Sure he had kitchen sex with her on his dorm but that doesn't change the fact that he wants this.

Alright, I'll be there at ten.
Sent 9:47 a.m.

Call him a wimp or something but its the truth. Right now (Y/N) is heading towards the library to study just like what his mother says he would. Its almost feels like her mother controls him and his own life, well, she always says that 'its for your own good' or 'I'm doing this cause I know what's better for you as a future huntsman' and of course him being the obedient son that he is, he's following the rules that his mother is implying. (Y/N) could only taste one freedom when her mother is on a field mission with the students, cause the headmaster Ozpin allows him too.

Hell, (Y/N) doesn't even know what Freedom is!

At lease, Ozpin is more like a fatherly figure to him when his father left him. Glynda is never open about him that much all he knows is that he's father left him and doesn't want anything to do with him. As what he always know.

Due to his mother's protectiveness, even in field mission she's making sure that she always with him. Due to this he learn to impress his mother to make her believe he could do it on his own. But it seems like she's not that impress as always, the only person who is impress in his skills, knowledge, and combats is the headmaster himself. Professor Ozpin. He was truly thankful that he has someone like him to keep his perfect like in sane when he wants to be imperfect to the eyes of everyone including his own mother.

(Y/N) sigh as he thought about his life so far, maybe it would be different when his father didn't abandone them since from the beginning or his mother wouldn't be this kind of mother who is overly protective against him.

"Hello, (Y/N)!" Said the cheery voice ahead of him that seems to cut himself from his own thoughts. He giddly looks around to see who is was seeing, but he only saw those green olive eyes of the red haired spartan. Pyrrha Nikos.

"Uh, h-hey Pyrrha.." He said back at her. Why the hell did I stutter?! "A-are you t-talking to me?" He asked surely maybe the Pyrrha Nikos is referring to the different (Y/N) in some ways that he thinks.

"You're (Y/N) Goodwitch right? If not I'm sorry I shouldn't have disturb you." Pyrrha said in a apologetic tone.

"Ah, no no, its fine. I'm (Y/N) Goodwitch, uh, the one and only." He said with a slight chuckles.

"I was going to ask. Since you are already in our group of friends--" Friends. "I was inviting you that maybe you should hang out with us in some other time? I would love-- I mean my team would love to meet you and probably be best buds with you." She says.

"Uh—" He was about to answer when someone or somebody walk by. "Hey, Pyrrha. Oh, hey (Y/N) aren't we suppose to meet up in the sparring room?" Yang said with a fake smile appears on her face as she tries to maintain her cool.

"Sparring room?" Pyrrha asked.

"Um... Well, Yang is training me." (Y/N) butts in so it would be less awkward.

"Oh, I could also train you if you want too?" Pyrrha says as she has her happy attitude on. Well for Yang, she's keeping on her neutral self. He could've sworn that he saw her eyes twitch. What the hell is wrong with her?! He thought. "Its fine Pyrrha. (Y/N) is a fast learner, isn't that right Goodwitch?" Yang said and drape her arm around his shoulder and pulls him closer to her.

She tighten her arms around him, when he took his time to answer him. "Ack, Right." He says making Yang loose it up a bit.

"You okay?" Pyrrha ask.

"Yeah, it just something just caught up my throat that's all." He replied quickly with a tight smile on his face. Pyrrha looks at him with a weird expression and frown a bit. "O...okay?" she says and put her hand on her waist and pats (Y/N)'s shoulder. "Guess I'll see you later, (Y/N)." She said as she smiles at him, while he just smiles at her in return. It was good while it lasted and the devil as herself (Yang) has to ruin it.

"Yeah, bye Pyrrha!" Yang said to her as the red haired spartan walks away from the both of them. Took the words right off my mouth! He thought. Yang then grips his shoulders which cause him to whimper, she glance at him, well more like glare at him, showing those eyes that could kill him in the mere seconds to where he is standing right now.

"Now, talk." She says, or ordered.

"Why would I? She just talked to me and is not y—" He gasped when he felt her grip tightens around his neck causing him to nearly choke. "She just.... Talked to me Y-yang. There's n-not—"

"talked to you??" Yang said and she chuckles darkly making (Y/N) shivers in her voice. Dear Oum, he might not see the living daylight on that tone ever again.

"Don't you ever talk to Nikos again"

(A/N: This is probably late y'all but Happy New Year. And I'll update more of my books. So stay tune.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2019 ⏰

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