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THEME: The mind is the battlefield

MEMORY VERSE: Ephesians 6vs12

Notes; From the text above, we see that we are in a war and our warfare is not with other human beings but with the devil and his demons. The devil has a strategy for his warfare. He has  studied us for a long time. He knows what we like and what we don't like. He knows our insecurities, our weaknesses and our fears. He knows what bothers us most. One of the devil's strong point is 'patience'. If the devil can have patience in order to destroy you, what about you?

             TEARING DOWN

TEXT: 2corinthians 10 vs 4 - 5

A stronghold is an area in which we are held in bondage due to a certain way of thinking. In the text above, we have the weapons we need to overcome satan' strongholds. The warfare we are engaged in is a spiritual warfare. The devil argues with us; he offers us theories and reasonings. All of this activity goes on in the mind. Once you can't control your thoughts, you won't be able to control your actions because there are strongholds in your mind that the devil set up early in your life.


TEXT: John 8 vs 31 - 32

The way we could win over the lies of the devil is through the 'word of God'. We must abide in the word until it becomes revelation given by inspiration of the Holy spirit. Continuing in the word is important.

In mark 4vs24, we see that the Lord wants us to continue using the weapon of the word.

Two other spiritual weapons are;
Praise and prayer

Praise:It defeats the devil quicker than any other battle plan but it must be genuine heart praise.

Prayer:it is the relationship with the Godhead. It is coming and asking for help or talking to God about something that bothers us.

If you want to have an effective prayer life,  develop a good personal relationship with the Father;know that He loves you and He will help you, the Son;He is your friend and He died for you, the Holy spirit;He is with you all the time as your helper... Let Him help you.

Learn to fill your prayer life with the word of God. Even Jesus used the weapon of the word in the wilderness to defeat the devil(Luke 4vs1-13). Each time the devil lied to Him, Jesus responded with "it is written"and quoted him the word.

Sometimes, prayer is good but not if it is merely a way of avoiding responsibility.

Some think that there is no point in telling anyone what you think; they won't listen to you anyway. If you want people to accept you, You just need to go along with whatever they want but that's wrong... Every one deserves to be heard.. Every opinion should count.

TEXT: Luke 4 vs 18 - 19

Strife sometimes is an angry undercurrent in the home that everyone knows is there but nobody deals with.

TEXT: John 8 vs 31 - 32

The truth is always revealed through the word;but sadly, people don't always accept it. It is a painful process to face our faults and deal with them. Generally,  people justify misbehavior. They allow their past and how they were raised to negatively affect the rest of their lives. Our past may explain why we are suffering but we must not use it as an excuse to stay that way.

                      THE WAY OUT

TEXT: 1corinthians 10 vs 13
It shows that God won't abandon us and leave us helpless or allows us to be tempted beyond what we can bear but with every temptation He will provide an escape route for us... But at times, we choose to ignore that escape route.

The devil uses our circumstances and builds strongholds in our lives and wage war in our mind. Our outward behavior is only a result of our inner life. The devil knows well that of he can control our thoughts, he has a golden chance to control our life.

You may have some major strongholds in your life that needs to be broken... Just know this, "God is on your side". There's a war going on and your  mind is the battlefield....

Quote for the day:"control whatever goes on in your mind and you can control whatever goes on in your life"

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