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THEME: A vital necessity

MEMORY VERSE: Proverbs 23 vs 7

Note; This verse shows how very important it is that we think properly. Thoughts are powerful and they have creative ability. If our thoughts are going to affect what we become, then I think it should certainly be a priority that we think right thoughts. You have to get your thinking in line with God's work.

You cannot have a negative mind and a positive life.


TEXT: Romans 8 vs 5 says if we "mind" the things of the flesh, we will walk in the flesh; but if we mind the things of the spirit, we will walk in the spirit.

If we think fleshly thoughts like wrong thoughts and negative thoughts, we cannot walk in the spirit. It seems renewed, godlike thinking and right thoughts is a vital necessity to a christian life.

Your life may be in chaos because of years of wrong thinking.

                    BY THE SPIRIT

TEXT: Zechariah 4 vs 6
One of the best aids to freedom is asking for a lot of help and asking often. Sometimes you can't overcome your situation by determination alone. You do need to be determined but determined in the holy spirit, not in the effort of your own flesh. The holy spirit is your helper... Seek His help... Lean on Him...You cannot make it alone.

                  A VITAL NECESSITY

A vital necessity is something that is so important that one simply cannot live without it- like a heartbeat is vital. These are things without which there is no life.

Just as your physical life is dependent upon your vital signs, so is your spiritual life dependent upon spending regular, quality time with God. Once you learn the importance of fellowshipping with God, you will make it a priority.

The right thinking is vital to victorious living. You need to get more serious about thinking about what you're thinking about and choose your thoughts carefully.


TEXT: Matthew 12 vs 33 says that a tree is known by its fruit. The same is true in our lives. Thoughts bear fruit. Think good thoughts and the fruit in your life will be good. Think bad thoughts and the fruit in your life will be bad.

Actually, you can look at a person's attitude and knows what kind of thinking is prevalent in his life. A sweet, kind person does not have mean, vindicate thoughts. By same token, a truly evil person does not have good, loving thoughts.

Remember Proverbs 23 vs 7 and allow it to have an impact on your life.

Quote of the day;"for as you think in your heart, so are you".

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