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THEME: Be positive

MEMORY VERSE: Matthew 8 vs 13
Note; Positive minds produce positive lives. Positive thoughts are always full of faith and hope. Negative thoughts are full of fear and doubt.

  Some people are afraid to hope because they have been hurt so much in life. They have had so many disappointments, they don't think they can face the pain of another one. Therefore, they refuse to hope so they won't be disappointed. This avoidance of hope is a type of protection against being hurt. This type of behavior sets up a negative lifestyle.

Joyce Meyer's philosophy in life was; "if you don't expect anything good to happen, then you won't be disappointed when it doesn't happen".
  Just as the scripture says,"so has he believe, so shall it be done to thee". If everything you believe is negative, naturally, negative things will happen to you. This doesn't mean we get what we want by thinking about it. God has a perfect plan for each of us and we cannot control Him with our thoughts and words. But, we must think and speak in agreement with His will and plan for us.

  Practice being positive in each situation that arises in your life. Even if what you're going through right now is not good, expect God to bring the best out of it as He has promised in His word.


TEXT: Romans 8 vs 28

This scripture did not say that all things are good but did say that all things work together for good. We should learn to become the kind of person who plans things but who doesn't fall apart if that plan doesn't work out. There are times when we don't get what we want, our feelings rise up and try to get us into self pity and negative attitude.

  A positive person can go ahead and decide to enjoy himself no matter what happens but a negative person never enjoys anything at all.

  A negative person is no fun to be with. He brings gloomy overcast to every project. There is a heaviness about him. He is a complainer, a Murmurer, and a fault-finder. No matter how many good things are going on, he always seems to spot the one thing that could be a potential problem.

  I am sharing this to you, so that you can recognize your problem with being negative and begin to trust God to restore you, not to get you to become negative about your negativism.

  The pathway to freedom begins when we face the problems without making excuses for it. I'm sure that if you are a negative person, there is a reason for it- there always is. But remember, as a christian, according to the Bible, you are a new person now.

               A NEW DAY

TEXT: 2 Corinthians 5 vs 17

   As a new creation, you don't have to allow the old things that happened to you to keep affecting your new life in Christ. Good things are going to happen to you.

  Rejoice! It's a new day!

Quote of the day; "be positive in your thinking and you will be positive in your actions"

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