[10.] You Had Taken The Breakup Even Worse Than Her

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"YOU STILL HAVE a chance to speak to her," Ludmila says to me

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"YOU STILL HAVE a chance to speak to her," Ludmila says to me.

"Doesn't mean I have to," I reply and she elbows me.

"Leon, I understand that both of you are hurt, but it has been four years. Both of you were the best of friends, and it is not worth losing a such a friendship over a failed relationship. You haven't even had a proper conversation with her yet," Diego says.

When I looked at her, part of me wanted to kiss her and another wanted to burst into tears. Nobody has ever had an effect on me like her. I admit, I was dying to speak to her. To find out why she became so unreachable.

I tell them that I will think about. We finish our lunch, that I prepared, and then Ludmila and Diego leave to consult with their wedding planner. I had always loved cooking, and not even Francesca's departure had changed that. She had always been a better baker than a cook.

Although it was Sunday, I get ready for work. However, instead of my normal suit, I put on a pair of jeans, plan blue golf shirt and some sneakers. My phone buzzes on my way to my car.

"Leon Vargas speaking, hello." I say with my phone pressed between my ear and shoulder as I unlock my car.

"Hello Leon." I freeze at the voice.

"Mr Caviglia, how are you?" I ask nervously.

He chuckles, "call me Christian. I was wondering if I could have a chat with you, perhaps over coffee."

"Is something wrong with the house, because I can sort that out immediately?"

"Quite the opposite actually. So, how about that meeting, if you are not busy?" He asks.

I glance at my briefcase on the passenger seat, "Not at all. I will meet you at the Double Bean cafe."

I cut the call and just sit in my car for a minute. It was difficult to decipher from his tone whether I was in trouble or not. It was probably dangerous to be meeting the father of the girl I cheated on in a place filled with steaming hot beverages.

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