Chapter 2 part 2

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Hey readers! Sorry I am a little late. Hope you guys are enjoying the story. Here is chapter 2 part 2!

"What am I going to do?"

First period was okay; surprisingly Ashely wasn't that annoying. It went by pretty fast. I was distracted wondering what that man was doing on the roof. Also, why did my friends run into that building? Maybe they had classes together? If that is the case, well, lucky them. I am alone for six periods. That's just great. I have no one to talk to, no one to hang with, no one to even know. I guess I can make new friends; at least for just these periods. It won't be that hard, or so I thought. I just found out I am not the only shy person in this school. My classes were made of shy students and the rich jerk type students. Arrogant little...forget it. This isn't making school tolerable. This isn't fair. After what I went through, why is it becoming more difficult for me? I am missing something or going through something. What I also noticed is people keep glancing at me. It's only second period and it seems like they did hear the news. I guess it swept through town. I hope my mom isn't getting these same looks walking through town. I feel bad for her, she loved my dad. They did everything together. When my dad came back from tours on break, they did as much as they could before he had to leave. We did things as together actually. We would try to do so much but his breaks weren't long enough. That got me thinking. How is my mom? She hasn't left the house in awhile. When she had to run errands, she would try to get a friend to do it, but when no one could do it, she would try to do it at night or get me to do it. She has hit a new low; I think. At least she talks to her close friends and neighbors. I get really upset when princess waits at the door thinking my dad will come through it and wrestle her to floor and to pet her belly. She loved it when he did that. She considered that a treat. We lost a big part of us when he past. I need to stop talking about it, or I'll never move on. But how do you do something like that. Just move on and live without them. Only time will tell.

Second period wasn't better, I was bored out of my mind. The first day of school is so boring; if you have no friends with you. Third period made it a lot worse. When you have nothing to do and people are constantly glancing at you, you really notice. It's embarrassing and really makes you feel self conscience. How does everyone already know about my dad? It's getting kinda weird. When third period was up I went to my locker. I had lunch A, so I go to lunch after third. As I was getting my lunch box and putting things into my locker, a note fell out of my backpack. I looked around me for some one who could have done it. I read the note. It was from Ashely, I immediately tucked it away. I'll read it later.

I arrived at the the cafeteria. It was pretty nice. Much better than last year. The floor is patterned with dark blue and black tiles. There were like six dozen round top tables. This place is nice and roomy. The best part is that my friends are here. They flagged me down and had a seat waiting for me. Natasha and Cooper were missing.

"Hey you guys! Where are Natasha and Cooper?" I asked.

"They are just running late. Nothing to worry." Blake said a little worried.

Ashely tapped the seat next to her for me to sit in. I might as well sit next to her. Blake was either looking at his phone or the front doors of the cafeteria.

"Blake are you okay?"

"Yeah, just hungry." Blake said.

"Uh then eat, you have a full plate. It looks like you haven't even touched it."

"Oliver worry about yourself." Blake snapped.

"Hey, calm down." Ashely snapped back.

"Whoa, whoa. Everyone let's calm down." I said.

"Sorry." Blake said.

Ashely turned her cheek. I ate my lunch and talked to Ashely. She was trying to ask if I got the note, but I acted like I never got it. Blake still didn't touch his lunch and Natasha and Cooper weren't back yet.

He knows something and isn't telling me.

"Blake, if you need help I am here."

Blake looked at me worried and defeated.


"HEY! You guys what's up?!" Cooper yelled slamming his tray on the table.

Natasha was next to him. They were both huffing and puffing, not to mention sweaty.

"So, where were you guys?" I said a little frustrated.

"Just came back from P.E. they made us run a mile." Cooper said.

Natasha didn't buy or bring a lunch. What is she gonna eat?

"They didn't make my class..." Ashely was trying to say before getting interrupted

"Soo, how were your classes you guys?" Natasha said trying to cover something up.

There was an awkward silence, then I decided to break the ice.

"My classes were boring as can be. By the way where is your lunch Natasha?"

"What about..." Ashely was interrupted by the bell.

"Gotta go, see you love birds later." Blake said.

"See ya." Cooper said laughing.

"Hey!" I said.

"I like that. We are love birds." Ashely said.


Natasha just got up and left.

They all left together. What's up with them? Do they honestly think we are dating and are not hanging out with me? That is a lie, plus I told them we aren't dating. Great, more boring classes and more people glancing at me.

The rest of my classes went by faster than expected. Finally school was over, now I can hang out my friends.

"Hey you guys. Wanna hang out?"

"Can't, I got some homework." Blake said then left.

"I got practice and I am running late." Cooper said the ran off.

"My dad's here, see ya later." Ashely said.

"Let me guess, you have something to do too? I sighed to Natasha.

"No, I can hang out." Natasha said.

Surprised, I asked her if she wanted to go to get smoothies.

"Hey wanna go get smoothies?" I said


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