Chapter 3

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"Thanks for the smoothie"

"Anything for Natasha" I said.

"Hey, are you Hungry? I can get you something."

"No thank you. I had a big lunch. Trust me." Natasha said.

She didn't bring anything for lunch. When and how did she have a big lunch.

"But you didn't have anything for lunch"

"Wait, what are you talking about?" Natasha said.

"During school. At lunch you didn't have anything."

Her eyes widened, then she got up to leave.

"I am sorry" she said.

Then two big bulky guys from behind our table, grabbed me and threw me to the floor. Then they held me down. Natasha took some bottle out of her bag.

"This won't hurt, but it will knock you out."

"Hey! Don't spray that in my fa..."

I fell unconscious for several hours, I thought. When I woke up I had a black bag over my head and I guess I was in a vehicle. That spray smelled horrible and worked pretty quick. What is going on now? Why did Natasha do this to me? What did I do to her? I mean, I have pranked her quite a few times, but none were harmful. Just innocent pranks. The vehicle came to a sudden stop. I haven't moved at all, so I pretended I was still knocked out. Then I can make my escape.

"This is Oliver Rawick, correct?" Some random guy asked.

"Yes sir" said Natasha.

Okay I am awake. I am to curious to escape right now.

"Hello? Can you guys release me now? I said

"Great! He is awake. Release him." The same guy said.

When they release me, I am gonna sucker punch them.

"Natasha, would release him please?"

"Yes sir."

Never mind. I'll just behave for now.

When she took off the bag, all I saw were her beautiful hazel eyes.

"You okay?" Natasha asked.

"I am now."

Natasha cut the zip ties.

They motioned me to get out of the van, as I was getting out the same men grabbed me.

"Hey, what's going on!?"

"Hello Mr. Rawick. I am Eric Dason, leader of this organization."

That name sounds fairly familiar. I have heard that name before.

"I am the leader of ATU."

"Okay... what is ATU?" I said

"Glad you asked! ATU stands for Alien Terminating Units!"

How did I get myself into this? Is this some kind of joke or prank? I don't think Natasha would go this far to get back at me. What in the world is this "organization" trying to do? Honestly, what type of aliens are they terminating? Hopefully not the ones crossing the border illegally. That's going a little to far.

"Mr. Rawick? I want to recruit you for this organization."

"I don't think so." I said.

"Why not? Is this too much or do you not believe?"

"Let's go with I don't believe you! This is a joke!"

"Oliver this is not joke!" Natasha said seriously.

"Of course it is! This is a good prank Natasha. How did you do it? Craigslist?"

She looked at me, mad.

"Sir, Dason we should show him." Natasha suggested.

"Wait, show me what?"

"We are going to show you proof!" Eric said.

This warehouse or building is big. It took some time to walk over here. I can also see, that there is no business in this organization; I haven't seen any employees. They guided me to some room. The sign read "DO NOT ENTER! ATU PERSONNEL ONLY."

"Ready?" Natasha whispered.

"Ready for what!?" I whispered back.


Natasha swung the door open and pulled me in.

My eyes were being deceived. This can't be real. I didn't feel comfortable at all. So, all those crazy people that talked about 'Area 51' and there existence were freaking right. They aren't crazy after all; well maybe they still are. These things were in these glass prison cells just looking at us and I couldn't even tell if they were. Some were big as buses and looked like a rhino and bull dog clashed together. Then some were small as fire hydrants and Eric said those are the tough ones, I didn't need to know that. A few were my height and looked a little human, but more disfigured. I kept walking down the long line of cages, then I saw humans.

"Hey why do you guys have humans in here?" I asked.

"Unfortunately, we aren't fighting just the biggest and smallest aliens. These humans lost their lives to an aliens that are the size of flying ants. They can only work together. They eat or destroy the brain and fuse into the nerves, though the brain stem, and control the human body." Eric said.

"They are the most fragile." One of the men said.

"True. If you kill just one of them, their whole group dies. It's like they are one alien but split up into many little flys." Natasha said.

I was shocked that aliens actually existed. This can't be. How is this even real? I was irritated and getting mad. I had a thirst for answers and reassurance.

"How are you guys protecting our families with these things running wild?!" I yelled.

"Please calm down, Mr. Rawick. We have special alarms, traps, and security equipment that are set up all over the country near every inhabited town and community. We have locations everywhere. Trust me when I say this. I am not letting anything or body harm this beautiful country." Eric said.

"Amen." one of the men said while saluting him.

"Sir, May I take Oliver to the brief room, alone? I can met you guys there." Natasha asked.

"If you are comfortable with it." Eric replied.

"I am, sir."

We left the "zoo of aliens" and started heading to the brief room. The others stayed behind to check on things; I am assuming.

"Oliver, let's stop for a minute."

"Nat, what in the world is this place and what are you doing here!?" I asked.

"This place is protecting this country...and I am helping them!" Natasha snapped.

"Why are you getting mad at me?! I was kidnapped then showed something I will never forget!" I snapped back.

"I know... I went through the same thing!" She said.

"Oh... wh-who did it to you?" I asked.

"No one. I was just kidnapped."

"Oh... how come you helped?" I asked with a half smile.

"Because I offered." she said giggling.

"Well then."

While walking to the room, I wondered how is she helping protect the country?

"Hey nat?"


"How are you helping protect the country?"

"You will find out soon enough."

"Okay" I said.

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