Cute/Fight {Nash} (Pt.1)

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You and Nash have been best friends since you could remember. You were over his house in L.A with Cameron, Matt, and the Jacks for your annual game night. You were the only girl but you were fine with it because you were all such good friends. Tonight you guys were playing scategories but with teams and you were teamed up with Gilinsky. You were laughing the whole time because Jack was making up all these stupid and hilarious answers.

"Y/N can I talk to you about something..... in private." Nash asked in the middle of the game.

You nodded and followed him as he led you to his room.

"Whats this about Nash? Why did we have to stop the game, this better be important."

"Oh yeah, let me just make this quick so you could get back to flirting with Gilinsky."

"What are you talking about?"

"Come on Y/N... you obviously like him I'm just trying to give you some advice so you don't make it so obvious."

"I do not like Gilinsky! Is this seriously what this is about why do you even..."

You got cut off by Nash's lips crashing into yours. You kissed back for a couple seconds but then quickly pulled away.

You both stood there in silence for a good two minutes just gazing at each other. You opened your mouth.

"Um... I think I'm going to..."

"Yeah, I think thats a good idea."

You left his room and got your keys off the table fast and hurried out the door hearing questions coming at you from the boys.

What just happened? You sat in your car for at least five minutes before you headed off, wishing maybe Nash would come after you. Am I falling for my best friend?

Sorry if its bad but tell me what you think this is one of my first imagines so it will get better!☺️ Hope you liked it!😘😘💖💖 ~MaryCate

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