chapter 1

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Hi friends its my first story please no criticism thanks so much**

My first day in class with a broken ankle and am wearing an anklet, its not the best day of my life but I can manage, I promise not to die. My lecturer walks into class like its nothing to come to class late with student ranting about rubbish and making everywhere a mess

''settle down class...'' everybody gives the lecturer there attention ''am Mayowa'' he said while writting something down on the board. He's bald, wow a typical African, I rolled my eyes at my comment

He kept saying things and I kept zoning out, too many things on my mind am just so confused, just got dumped by my boyfriend and am literaly in pain from my broken ankle which I sustained training too hard so as to forget about my ex

Fortunately class is over I picked my book stood up and turned to leave the class before I bumped into a wall who builds a wall here in the middle of the class, I mentally slap myself but I felt the wall move, oh my god did the wall just move I looked up to see a tall, muscular dark haired guy who looked like a greek god, he's so cute

Snap out of it

''Am sorry I wasn't watching where I was going''

I bent down to pick my books I felt those chocolate eyes looking at me but I totally ignored him,

''Quam, nice to meet you... ' he stretched forth his hand, my heart melted the moment I heard his voice his beautiful voice at that moment all my problem were forgotten, he's so cute but am not gonna be a fool for love again.

''Kim'' I said and walk away before he could get a chance to say any other thing, he stood there with his hand stretched forth and I don't want to see the expression on his face

How the hell am I supposed to locate room 202, there are no numbers on this doors my next class holds there, walking down the hallway I kept searching for room 202 without watching where I was going then I bumped into another wall who 'fucking buids a wall in the middle of a fucking hallway', the wall chuckled.

Wait what the hell! a chuckling wall?

''Going somewhere?'' Ok can it get worse the wall just spoke to me, but wait I remember that voice as I lift my head to see its Quam his chocolate eyes raping me, wow boys will always be boys.

''None of your business''

''Feisty I like it'' I rolled my eyes at his comment ''common let me help you''

''Am going to room 202'' the words roll out of my mouth before I could stop myself

''Its right there'' he points down the hallway, I murmured a thank you and went down the hallways entering my class with student hanging around I found an empty sit beside the window i sat down and scrambled through my books

''U are beautiful u know'' I hear someone say

Wait! What? I know I've heard that voice before

''Are u stalking me?'' I was furious and frustrated as a devious smirk appeared on his face, I feel like slapping that smirk off his face

''I school here remember?'' I rolled my eyes, I hope my eyes doesn't fall out one of this days due to excess rolling, wait what will I look like without my eyes or my head or my ...

Snap out of it

Thank you brain


''Common am just trying to be your friend'' if I dont reply he'll leave, and it worked because he left few minutes later

After that I had philosophy next so I literally ran to my next class because I was already late, getting to class the lecturer wasn't even there, yeah they never get to class on time, gasping for breath I find an empty sit at the back of the class to sit on

''I like your hair...'' I have a light brown short hair that reaches my shoulder which I just adore so much its what I love most about myself
I tilt my head to know where that came from and then I saw a girl a bit younger than myself dark skinned braided hair, slight make up and her forest green eyes caught my attention, its so pretty I could get lost in those eyes, i scanned her from head to toe, God she could beat any super model of any top designer With that body, she got the curves at the right places and for a skinny girl...

She must have noticed me scanning her like I had a scanner in my eyes scanning if she has drugs in her bra or pant because she just stretched her hands at me

''...Hi, am Eni'' I took her hand ''Am kim nice meeting you'' she gave me a genuine smile and sits right beside me and thats when my Greek god decides to grace the class with his presence except this time he wasn't alone he walked in with two other guys each by his side, he spots me and walks straight down to me 'why cant he just stay away from me' he notices me and that smirk appears on his face again as he approaches me

''We meet again'' he said smirking at me, does this guy not know there is a different between smirking and smilling?

''Cant you just leave me alone'' jeez

''Just wanted to say hi'' still with that smirk on his face, does he have to be that cute

''Well hi to you too I hope you break your leg and dont come to school so i dont have to bump into you again''.

'If a broken leg cant stop you from coming to school why should it stop me' I then realize I have an anklet on my right ankle


I just ignored him and he left to meet his friends who are also so cute, do they have to all be cute? Jeez

''Do u know him'' eni asked, I roll my eyes

''I literally bumped into him twice today'' she murmured an oh

''He's a very notorious playboy he gets any girl he wants fucks and its over, to him relationship is simply defined as one night stand'', explained eni

''Wow'' was all I could say more to myself, I feel for those girls he sleeps with I won't be surprised if he has rabbis, you never can tell

We had different classes after philosophy so we went different ways

Classes are over and am at the school park I wish I had a car, ill just trek down the road and catch a bus. That was when I saw eni standing beside a brand new benz she waved for me to come over.

'Need a ride?' She said smilling genuinely, 'well I dont have a car yet'? It came out more as a question

''So lets go'' she said enthusiastically that made me think if we were actually going home or going shopping, I hop in and boom we're gone.
We exchanged numbers the moment she drops me off at home
I barely know her and am already liking her, she's lively, beautiful, and has a killer smile.

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