chapter 2

22 3 2

Am sorry I noticed some typographical errors so I had to edit and repost am sorry for that


Grin grin grin I jumped up from bed to realize it was my alarm doing  its job, to think I woke up all defensive, you need to have seen me,  I stood up screw that I jumped standing on my bed with my hair looking like it got hit by a Tsunami, I took a fighting stance clenching my fist in front of me, I was even bouncing on my toe like I was already in the ring ready to beat the hell out of maywheater only to realized it was just my alarm, how disappointing.

''This things exist to make my morning a waking hell'' i murmured to myself and came down from my bed, I turned to face my bed  ''I wonder what I would have done without you my bed, I love you so much'', I walked to my alarm and turned it off.

''Good morning to you too alarm'' I went into the bathroom, my bathroom was really spacious, I brushed, took my bath and went to the kitchen

''Coffee or tea?''

''Good morning to you too Rebecca''

''I didn't greet you, stop inflating your ego, I only asked if you wanted coffee or tea''

''But you love me, admit it'' making my puppy dog face

''I bet to differ''

''Comon am amazing and you know it'' still with my puppy dog face

''Ill take that as a I-want-a-tea'' I snapped my face towards her direction

''You know I hate tea'' she smiled at me

''that's the girl I hate so much'' teasingly placing a cup of tea of  tea on my hand

''You still gave me tea? You're wicked you know''

''But you love me admit it'' she said making a puppy dog dace, what the  hell? Did she just throw my own words back at me? forget it I mentally noted I  love her but an not gonna tell her that, she still has that stupid puppy dog face. I put my hands on my waist and open my mouth to give her a sarcastic response and that was when my phone decided to ring. I took a look at my phone its Eni texting me

''Ill deal with you later'' she just laughed and said I know you love me too

''Morning kim, need a ride to school? I'll be at your house in 45min''

'Ill be waiting'  I sent back to her

We ate breakfast, Rebecca's cooking is actually one of the best I've ate in my life, well all the women in my family are excellent cooks. She prepared spaghetti, after eating I cleared my plate, I was still in the kitchen when I heard a knock on the door

''REBECCA?'' I shouted, I saw her from the kitchen as she stood up reluctantly to open the door.

''Hi, is Kim in'' I heard that all familiar voice, I rushed to the door

''Eni come in'' I said excitedly

''We just finished eating, I can serve you if you want, we prepared spaghetti?'' It came out more as a question.

''No I'm  fine Kim, how are you?'' She smiles genuinely at me

''I'm fine, forgive my manners please do have your sit'' she sits on the two sitter sofa still smilling

''Thanks kim, you are being too nice'' I smiled at her compliment

''This is my cousin Rebecca, she could be a pussy at times...''

''Am standing right here'' I
fought the urge to roll my eyes

''... dont be deceived by look my dear, she has been my best and only friend since childhood...''

''Oh so I got good quality, I wouldn't have known since u always bully me''

I turned to face her my glare burning through to her  ''I think u need to get ur earing checked I never said u had good qualities''

''Nice to meet you'' Rebs ignored me and stretched her hand for eni to shake, eni took it with a beautiful smile on her face

''Same here darling''

''Are u always this beautiful?''

''Rebecca! Dont listen to her told u she could be a pussy''

''Thanks Rebecca'' Rebecca turned to me and smirked, God I feel like slapping that smirk off from her face

''U see? I know u for what? 5mins and I already like you'' kim smiled slightly and turned to me

''Are you ready?''

''Yeah I'll just get my bag'' I rushed up the stairs got my bag and rushed down again, i was about leaving when...

''Wait...'' I turned to Rebecca 
''Aren't you supposed to be at Ben's place'' I gave her a surprised look, she gave me a more surprised look as if to say are-u-just-realising-I've-been-in-this-house-since-morning. I went straight to her angry at myself, I knew something was up but I just ignored it, I held her hands and she was staring at the floor

''Did you guys fight?'' All she could do was nod like her voice was taken away from her, sadness was written all over her how could I have not noticed this

''What happened I swear am gonna make his body shed blood triple the tears you shed on him''

''Its not worth it sis i can get over him no scratch that ill get over him am too young to cry over a guy that thinks like a child''

I looked at eni who could only stare at Rebecca I could imagine her visioning ben instead of Rebecca and dear if looks could kill, I then turned to Rebecca

''Did he cheat on you'' after what seems like a forever of silence she nod her head
''With blessing, I caught them in bed last night I didn't tell him I was coming over,, they were pretty shocked and another information, they've been dating for a year under my nose, how friendly of her, I trusted her and she did this, why am I not surprised, like mother like daughter''

''Who the hell is blessing''

''Our other friend we all grew up together''

''And what did her mother do?''

''She was seeing, to be more specific she was sleeping with her best friends husband and got caught and the rest is history''.

Immediately an Idea pop into my head am such a genius

''Am such a genius'' they looked at me confused'

''Are u alright sis''

''Yeah I am I've got a very brilliant idea'' they are still very surprised

What will kims idea be? Am sorry for updating a bit late, when I say a bit late I mean very late, like I said am very sorry I dont want to give excuses but I promise ill update soon

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