chapter 3

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What u missed

''She was seeing to be more specific she was sleeping with her best friends husband and got caught and the rest is history''.

Immediately an Idea pop into my head am such a genius

''Am such a genius'' they looked at me confused

''Are u alright sis''

''Yeah I am I've got a very brilliant idea'' they are still very surprised


Actually Rebecca isn't that surprised, she looked like she's about to cut off my head, I must admit I've done things and I mean things, dont ask me I just did things
She is so angry right now she looks like she was breathing fire

''The last time you had a 'verry brilliant idea' we almost died''

I schruged her off  ''common Rebs stop being dramatic it was just once... '' then I realised its been more than once, ''...well aside when we almost drowned...'' i trailed off  ''and when we took your dads car for a ride and when ...'''

''Stop counting kim, am not going on any other adventure with you,   'the master of brilliant ideas' ''

I waved her off

''Why dont we ditch school and go have fun just the three of us'' eni made a deafening squeal

''Are you kidding me? Having fun with my friend, and a heart broken girl... '' she turns to look at Rebecca who was busy shooting daggers at eni for calling her heart broken and trust me she's pathetic at it because it only made eni burst out laughing

''...just kidding'' she said trying to contain her laughter, she then turned to me again, almost blinding me with her smile, you know this girl smiles a lot, she's so happy am sure even happiness is jealous of her, but am not that naive i can see through that smiles they are mostly a mask to cover up so much storm and sadness and I don't intend to ask her anything about it at least not now, we just met I mean we met yesterday

''Common babe I exist for things like this lets go'' she was so excited that made me think, how old is this girl, 5?, I wasnt this excited the first day I visited a...
My thought were cut short when I noticed Rebecca looking

Rebecca looked at me with such a  devious smile on her face, crossed her hands, Rebs and being dramatic

''Your paying with your dads credit card right?'' Well my dad gave me his credit card  'incase of emergency' in his own words but on second tought isn't this an emergency? 
I nodded

''Your dad is so gonna kill you'' she said smilling at me, knowing I wasn't going to back down and am sure she doesn't want me to neither but there are times where Rebs won't let you easily spend money makes me wonder, is she a money activist or what?

''Oh forget that, he deserves it for refusing to get me the Ferrari I asked for I practically begged for that car  'you need to learn to appreciate darling' is all he keeps saying I mean if he doesn't give me what I want who is he going to spend his money on? And to spoil it all he bought me a benz can u believe it a benz, i hate when he does that to me''

''You sound like a brat, I mean you dont have a car and you reject a benz''

''Trust me the last thing she is is a brat, she does that to annoy her dad, if he ends up buying her the car she always end up giving it out after two weeks,  her father is rich enough to buy her ten Ferraris if he wanted and she's the only girl I know that doesn't show off. Actually the whole family doesn't show off'' her jaw dropped in surprise

Enough of all this talks I have to speak out before Eni dies of shock plus the whole conversation is boring me out

''Did u just say the whole family? Babe always remember to exclude yourself because you're the only member that shows off .

''Lets just go''

''You are never getting into my car again'' she whines like a 5year old

''Common you're just being dramatic, we'll take Rebs car''

We made our way to the garage where we had to wait for Rebs to drive out she doesn't allow anybody drive her cars she even names them, after what seemed like forever she came out with a Lamborghini, of all the cars there she came out with this. I turned to see Eni stunned she was so surprised a car like this could be parked here

She parked in front of us  ''meet kim'' she was actually telling Eni

''What?''Eni screamed, I rolled my eyes at both eni and my stupid cousin

''Aren't I so honoured to have a car named after me'' I said sarcastically

''You have a Lamborghini?''

''Babe snap out of it and lets go before I change my mind and common Eni its just a car''

''Because we are rich kids don't mean we should flaunt it all the time except for Rebs she flaunts it all the time
''Well yeah it means you should flaunt it all the time, you know what, you girls are pathetic lets go before you tell me Kim's is Martin Peters daughter''

''Actually she is''

''WHAT...'' the expression on her face, priceless . ''...the legendary Martin peters? '' I nodded

''I love that man, am hiss number one fan, pleaseeeee can I meet him I need an autograph, a selfie, a ....''

''Oh common you'll get all that later right now his daughter is taking us shopping''

'I hope you girls realise its my dad you are talking about and am sitting right here and when did we even get into the car? ''
I didn't even realised we were already in the car due to Eni excessive ranting about rich kids and whatnot

''Question for the gods'' Rebs replied rather irritated by my question

She drove off before I even knew it we were already at the mall doing our thing we've been there for five hours now, I know you'll wonder what we were doing for five hours. I'll give you a break down, we did furniture shopping first then went over to shoes, then to bags, then clothes before going over to jewelries, lets just say we bought alot that we couldn't even carry by ourselves though our furnitures will be delivered to us later in the day at home.

We were already on our way back when we heared a loud noise outside, we fastened our steps so we'll go see, on getting outside we met a huge crowd in circles we pushed our way to the front only to find two guys fighting, one was already bleeding seriously as the other was sitting on him beating shit out of him


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