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"Are we good now babe?"
She nodded without looking at me.
I pull her chin to face me. "Look at me."
Then i met with her eyes.
Her eyes thAt i could read that.. i must protect her.
I dont know it will be like a fiction story or not.
But still.. i have to..
"Tell me the magic words."
"I'm sorry.."
She sigh. "I'm sorry Y/N."
"I'm sorry babe.." she smile at me.
"Success." I lifted her by her waist and she slightly wrapped her leg around my torso.
She wrapped her arm around my neck and rest our forehead together. "I promise i wont get jealous for the nonsense matter."
Yeah last time she confessed to me.
She said she being jealous when i kept on saying Nana's name.
Dont blame me. Its ghost of Nana that appear on my sight.
And i laughed at her when she state that she was not supposed to get jealous with ghost. And i earn a smack at my head from her on that time.
"You better be Lisa. Or else i will be a ghost and keep on haunting you afterwards." I chuckled.
"Yah. Stop saying nonsense." She slapped my arm.

"Daniel.. i think.. we have to go back at the house."
"Wha what? Are you serious buddy?"
"Its okay if you cant. I can go by myself. I dont care bout the ghost. I need to find more hints right there."
"I will come with you."
I quickly hug him tight. "Thanks buddy. You are the best."
He patted my back. "Yeah. Yeah i know."
Then we pull away.
"How bout jennie and lisa?"

"Y/N.. can i come with you?"
"No, Lisa. No is no. You stay at HQ. Dont go anywhere."
She didnt say anything.
I turn on my heels and saw her.
Lisa with her pout.

Lisa with her pout

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"Hey Lalisa.. whats with that pout? Stop doing that."
Then she stopped from pouting and look at me.
Finally i can breath normally back.
But it caught of me guard when she did the worst thing.

But it caught of me guard when she did the worst thing

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"Jagiya.. can you pweese take me with you." Lisa said in aegyo tone.
I cant even blink my eyes seeing this side of her.
Ong Y/N..dont ever fall for it.
I clear my throat.
"Uhm.. i promised i will bring you for a date once i finish this mission and get the culprit." I caress her cheek.
Then she turned to grumpy one.
She folded her arm at her chest and look away.
"I hate you."
"I love you too." I said to her.
"Lalisa.." i pull her chin to face me.
"Listen to me.. i will find the hints with Daniel. I dont want you to get hurt. So please just stay at HQ with Jennie and the others. I didnt have plan to cheat on you anyway. I will come back as soon as possible. Okay?"
Then she nodded.
I pull her into hug.
Then i pull away to meet her eyes.
"Promise me you will come back safely."
"Yes. I promise Miss Lalisa." "Can i have my goodluck kiss?"
She tip toed on my level and give me a peck.
"Whats that? Give me a good one." I complained.
She hold my shoulder and pull me closer until i bend down to her level.
I just close my eyes as i feel her hot breath hitting my face.
Then she pressed my lips to mine.
I tilt my head to other direction to deepening the kiss.
My hand trailed to her waist and hold her to support her posture.
We pulled away.
I tuck her hair behind her ears.
I stare at her eyes.



"There's only one thing I want to change about you.."

"What is it?" She caressed my cheeks which i found its make me calm with her touch.

"that's your last name." "Lalisa Manoban to Lalisa Ong." I wink at her.

She smiled and hug me tight as she rest her head on my chest.

Why i feel i miss her so much?

Daniel and I arrived at the house.
We didnt care bout the ghost at all.
I just feel like we need another hints right here.
"Daniel.. search anything that can be our guide."
"Noted, detective."
We split our way.
I went to check upstairs...

Nothing that could help...

"Y/N! Ong Y/N! Come here!" Daniel yelled from the downstairs.
I quickly jog down to the downstairs with gun on my hand.

"What is it Daniel?"

He point me at the wall.

I think this is a new sticky note.

I'm pretty sure we didnt see it a few days ago..

I take out the sticky note that written

I flip the notes..

Bingo! You found it! Your girl is with me

I crumpled the paper and throw it.

Phone ringing caught of us guard.

This haunted house has a fucking telephone? Are you kidding me?
Daniel and I looked at each other.
He nudged me. "Pick up the phone buddy."

I walked slowly approaching the table.
I pick up the call.
I put it on my left ear.
I just pick it up without saying anything.

My eyes widened as i heard her voice.
"Lalisa? Where are you? Tell me." I asked as the curiosity began to fill on my mind.
"I'm at the— ARGGHH!"
"Hey Ong Y/N.. do you remember my voice?"
I tried to process from where i have heard this voice.
I gasped in disbelief when i realized something.

"Seems like you have good memory, detective. Good. Meet me at the warehouse that you used to go a few years ago. I know you know what i mean."

I clenched my jaw.

"DONT YOU DARE TO TOUCH HER!" I yelled as loud as i can through the phone.

He chuckled. "Ahh one more thing...dont involve your Wanna Forces if you dont want the same situation happen at your new girl right here."

 [COMPLETED] Fiction | Lisa X Male Reader--Blackpink fanficWhere stories live. Discover now