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"I told you guys before.. you will thanks me later tho." — Mr. Yang

"Buddy..why dont you tell me you with Lisa?"-- Daniel

"I will rip your head if you hurt Lisa!"-- Jennie

"Seems like you are not a gay tho."

All of their words kept echoing in my ears.

Presence of Lisa in my heart made me feel relieved...the nightmare is gone..

Maybe I should really move on from Nana..and just focus on this Thai girl.

"Hey, Pabo! What are you thinking of?" she snapped my thought.

"Manoban...can you just call me something sweet instead?" 

"Do you wanna die by calling me that huh?" She raised her hand to hit me but i grab her wrist.

"You looked cute when you mad." I grinned and just stare at her.

She looked away. "Dont. Dont look at me like that."

"Why~~" I grab her chin and pull it to face me.

"You make my heart flutter..." Then she buried her face on my chest.

Awee how come the cold Lisa turn to this cutie.

Jennie's POV

" are sooo unfair." I said to her once I plop myself on my bed.

"Why unnie?"

"For the first time i met finally call me seriously Lisa?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Am i weird right now?"


She sigh. "Im sorry.."

"Now tell me how you fall for him...cause it was hard for me to approach you back then."


My parents die. They were being shot right in front of her eyes. My parents gave the money to the culprit as he promised he will not shoot if they lend him money. But.. being a heartless he took the money and shot my parents. The persons that I love. I dont have nobody. I dont have siblings as well. I was sent to the Angel House aka orphanage house.

I cant stop crying as i remembered how tragic was my parents die. I was too young to fight the culprit. My mum always said. "fight people with brain.". So I kept strong to finish my study cause woman with brain is much more better.

A few months later...

As I sat alone at the bench.. I saw a girl with bang was sent to this house as well. Her stare could kill me. I thought i was the most badass ever.. but she's more badass than me. I could see she just pushed away some kids who approach her especially boys.

"Go Away! You wanna die?" She shoved away the kids.

I remembered what my father said.."if someone kept on pushing you away...actually she needs some attention cause she/he is lonely and hurt inside. They dont even know how to express how hurt they are."

I walk closer to the girl who sat hugging her knees.

"Hi! I'm Jennie Kim. YOu can call me Jennie." I stretch my hand for handshake.

"I'm Lisa. Now leave me alone before I kick you."  She said without looking at me.

"Alright. I hope we will become friends."

She just stand up and walk away.

Her coldness didnt make me give up to keep on approaching her.

One day..

I just went back from park..

I saw the kids gathering..most of boys ... rounding up ... as a riot was taking place.

At first I just dont give it a damn to them.

But i heard someone said...

"You dumbass! You slut! You dont deserved to be here!"

Then the other boys kept cheering and they kicking someone.

I felt something's not right.

"Yah! Stop it!" I yelled as I run approaching the crowd.

I pushed the boys who blocked my sight.

There I saw a boy hitting a girl..


yeah she is cold..But that doesnt mean she will not cry when she hurt.


That boy stopped and stand up facing me. "What you gonna do if i dont want to stop? This slut dont deserved to be here."

"Why you called her slut anyway?" I crossed my arm.

"Cause she had been raped before. This house is for kind kids only."

I felt the blood boiled up to my head.

She just still young and innocent.

The boy smirk and went back to her. He was about to hit her again but i pushed him by my feet let her back meet the ground.

I straddle on his stomach and beat him up.

i kept punching on his face until the other kids running from the scene.

I was about to finish him but someone stopped me by holding my wrist.

I looked at the owner.

"Ple..please sto..stop.." She pleading with tears.

Then i get up his stomach.

I didnt expect what Lisa do.

She hugged me tight and sobbing at my shoulder.

Since that incident... Lisa and I were bestfriends..

And I promised to myself..I wont hurt her and will kill someone that hurt her.

End Flashback

And I never regret for known who is Lisa..

" I guilty cause falling in love?"

I shake my head. "No, Lisa... YOu deserved to love and being loved."

She smiled. "Actually I dont believe the fact that I fall in love with him. I kept convince myself that I hate him. But i dont know this hate will lead to fall in love with him. And I know what is love when I know Ong Y/N.."

"Yeah Lisa.. love is unpredictable.. it will come.. but we dont know how, who and where did you start to fall in love to.. Just tell me if he hurt you okay? I will kick his ass."

She nodded. "Thanks unnie."


Right now I'm writing...

such a happy story...

But it is all just a wish still  ...

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