Punishment 😐😐

736 95 28

"so y did u beat him??"...asked the class tchr...
While the lil boy kept quiet..
Looking down, still fuming...

"Mam landhil didn't do anything!! It was Bunty who pushed me!!"...cried the lil girl
"Shut up!! Did I ask anything to u sanyukta aggarwal??"...asked the angry old tchr...

While sanyu became frightened...
"Don't scold sanyu mam!!"... randhir said glaring at sanyu
"Now u will tch me what to do and what not??"...asked the tchr...

"What hpnd??"...asked someone from the door...
Everybody looked at the person...while the tchr gulped...
"O principal sir!! Plz...plz cm inside!!!"...said the tchr...
Principal sir adjusted his specs and came inside...

"So what's going on here?? Liza (tchr) y r u shouting like a mad lady?"...asked principal
While everyone in class burst out into laugh...
Liza frowned looking here and there...
"Sir actually...this...I mean...that!!?"...she stammered...

Principal glared at her...when sanyu said..."principal sir actually Bunty pushed me away from the bench...and that's the reason I got hurt...not able to tolerate his naughtiness randhir hitted him...but sir beleive me... randhir did everything for my sake... infact m saying sorry on his behalf...plz...plz don't give any punishment...!!"...

Randhir looked at her astonishingly...whereas principal sir smiled inwardly seing her affection towards her Frnd...
"Sir u can ask ahana as well...she will also say u the truth!!"...said sanyu
"Yes sir I hv seen!! It's not randhir but bunty's fault...plz punish Bunty!!"....said ahana...

Just then Bunty burst out into a shrill cry...."sirrrrrrr!!!! Plz I won't...do that again.......don't gib me punishment!!"...he hiccuped...rubbing both of his eyes....
"Aye naughty boy;! Y won't sir give u punishment...?? So that u get a chance of doing all that nuisance again!!"...Liza screamed

"Shut up Liza!! At first check yourself!! They r kids and it's obvious that they will play, talk, fight with each other whenever they'll get a chance...but as a tchr it's your responsibility to correct their faults!!"...said principal sir
"Sorry sir!!"...Liza mumbled in a low voice...

Heaving a sigh sir looked at randhir and knelt down...at his level!!
All this while randhir kept looking down... quietly!!
"Child it's okay that u hv helped your best Frnd...and I appreciate u for that!! But remember one thing at first u hv to save yourself and then fight for others!!"...said principal...
"I know sir...but sanyu is my everything and how can I feel safe loosing my everything!!"...exclaimed randhir whereas sir looked at him in shock... seing his protectiveness towards sanyu...

(Tiffin time)

"Plz randhir plz eat it!!"... appealed sanyu sitting beside him holding a handful of bread and jam in front of him...
"I won't "...said randhir
"Plz randhir...I am really sorry!! I shouldn't hv left u alone and sat with Bunty!! I know u r feeling sad bcz Liza miss hv scolded u!! But believe me I never wanted u to get scolded!! U r my bff...for today and for always!! See I am again apologising u...plz I am sorry!!"...said sanyu

"U should hv thought that before!!"... randhir said getting up from the place and leaving the class... !

"Plz randhir!! U r my bff before my husband!! And I really like u...plz don't punish me like this!!"...lil sanyu thought and cried... keeping the bread Jam intact inside the Tiffin box...!! Without eating anything...

The scl got over...thus Sandhir returned home...
"So how was your day..."anju asked and was about to ask further when she saw their dull faces and frowned...

On the other hand randhir kept his bag and water bottle aside and went inside their room
Sanyu kept looking at his retreating figure and sighed sadly...
Anju turned towards sanyu and frowned...
She went towards him & asked..."what hpnd dear?? Did anything hpnd in scl?? Did anyone said u anything in scl??"...

"Nothing mom!! Actually m feeling a bit tired will talk with u later on!!"...said sanyu...keeping her bag aside...
Before anju could say anything further...sanyu went inside their room...

Anju frowned looking at them...whereas ammaji who was looking at them from a distance came forward and stood in front of her...
"Ammaji...my children..."...anju asked
"U r forgetting anju.. sanyu and randhir r married maybe it's their personal issue...which they don't want to share!! And as far as I know my granddaughter...she is very intelligent and submissive!! If she finds any difficult situation she will definitely consult with u...and I am sure about that...so don't worry give them some space!!"...consoled ammaji whereas anju sighed nodding in a yes...

Controlling her tears Sanyu took slow steps inside the room...
Only to see randhir sitting on the bed with an angry face...

She started taking slow steps towards him...when sanyu's leg collided with the carpet and she fell down...
And winced in pain...
Whereas randhir looked at her in shock widening his eyes...

Thank u

(Dear readers...
I am going to present this FF in WRITER'S CHALLENGE contest so plz if u like it then plz vote and comment for this ss...
Indeed I need your support!!


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