Sin City

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So we are all in Las Vegas and it is all so crazy!And it's at night with all the lights on and going crazy.Me and Lillian just went to the hotel and fell to the beds!We didn't want to go to sleep but our bodies were just so tired the rest of the boys went out and had fun and of course Sim tagged along too!Me and Lillian had just pasted out when I got a text from Nathan he wanted me to get ready to go out.I didn't know what to wear so I just put on my black skinnies and a nice plain grey shirt.I felt bad because Lillian had just came over to cuddle with me but I had to go so I just gave her a pillow.I went outside and it was super cold and I was holding my arms looking both ways for Nathan but he didn't seem to be any where I was just about to back inside when I heard him.


Me:Oh there you are!What did you want?!And hurry up I'm freezing!

Nathan:I wanted to walk around with you in the city

Me:Oh well um let me go grab a jacket

Nathan:No need

He then takes off his and outs it around me

Me:Um but you'll be cold

Nathan:Well if I get a cold just promise me you'll make me some chicken soup

Me:Haha of course

So we walked around and everything was so beautiful the mini Effie tower was amazing and so was everything else

Nathan:I'm hungry what about you

Me:I could go for a burger

Nathan:Well lets go to a place shall we?!

Me:I guess we shall

We went to In and Out burger and it was my first time and it was amazing we sat outside since nobody was really out there and everything was great the wind blew through my hair and Nathan just stared at me

Me:So what did you and the boys do?!

Nathan:Oh well nothing really after maybe a drink or two I decided to go to the hotel and drop off my stuff

Me:Oh that was it nothing else?!

Nathan:No but now it's amazing, being here with you

Me:Haha awe thanks Nathan

Then Lillian called me

Me:Oh hey it's Lillian so I gotta take this

Nathan:Oh no worries at all

I got up from the table and answered

Me:Hey Lillian what's up girlie?!

Lillian:Nothing just my coddling buddy left me and I have no idea where she is what about you?!

Me:I'm sorry I forgot to tell you!I'm out with Nathan!

Lillian:I thought you were going to wait awhile until giving him another chance

Me:Oh well you know I have no will power when it comes to him!

Lillian:Yea yea I know I know but babe you gotta learn sometimes

Me:Okay.......I'll come back to you

Lillian:Okay babe see you later!

We hang up and I turn to Nathan seeing he isn't there and I think he just had to go to the bathroom but after awhile he didn't come back so I just left.On my way back to the hotel I continued to call him again and again but nothing from him!Then I finally got back to the room and just passed put next to Lillian and woke up the next morning with Lillian pacing the room on the sounded like she was talking to Jay!

Lillian:What do you mean you can't find him!?Wait Jay she's up I'll talk to you later!

Me:What's wrong Lily?

Lillian:Sarah no one can find Nathan


Lillian:What happened last night?

Me:Nothing we just walked around and saw the scenery and went to In and Out Burger

Lillian:That's it?!

Me:Well when you and aI hanged up and I went back to the table I didn't see him?!

Lillian:Do you have any idea where he went?!

Me:No I don't, I don't Lillian!

I start to cry not knowing what happened to Nathan.I wanted to know where he went!I wanted to know why he just left me last night!He wouldn't just leave wouldn'y he?!I thought he loved me!?Or maybe he didin't leave.....willingly?

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