Nathan!Where Are You!?

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Me:Lillian what if we never find him!?The fans will blame e and the tour will be canceled!It will all because of me!

Lillian:No it won't Sarah!It's not your fault and we WILL find Nathan

Sarah:But what will we do before!?What will I do Lillian!?

Lillian:Sarah stop it you're a big girl you'll make it thought just calm down now come on we have to meet the boys and Sim at Starbucks

Me:*Sniff sniff*Can I have a pumpkin muffin and a vanilla bean coffee?!

Lillian:Of course you can!


So we got ready and we meet the boys up at the Starbucks I got my stuff like Lillian said I could and we sat down with the boys

Tom:Hey girls I know this is too soon but until we find Nath we need a replacement.

Me:WHAT!?You guys are just going to replace him like that!?

Jay:We have too we need to carry on but we don't know who could take the place on such short notice

Sarah:I can't believe you guys!

Lillian:It'll be okay Sarah.Wait Jay does the replacement HAVE to be a guy?!

Jay:Um no I guess not as long as they can sing and know the parts!

Lillian:Sarah you could do it it could take your mind off of Nath until we find him again!

Me:I don't know if I could Lillian I mean singing my guys part in a song!

Lillian:You'll be fine!

Sarah:I guess.I would be living y dream!

Max:Great!Our first gig is tomorrow and we have dressing rehearsals today now!

Me:Oh well okay we should go now

Lillian:I'd love to tag along but me and Sim are going around to try and look for Nathan

Me:Oh well bye Lillian stay safe you two!



So I went along and sang the parts that were originally Nathans.We did Glad You Came, Chasing The Sun, Warzone, Gold Forever, Rocket, and I'll Be Your Strength.The boys said I singed them all great but I couldn't smile at it.I faked a smile through rehearsal I even wore one of Nathan's hat on stage and I went back to the hotel for a nice good night sleep and woke up the next morning and Lillian and me we drove to the venue for last couple of rehersal and when the hour came when we were about to sing I started freaking out!I had to stop thought I know I had to make my Nathan proud where ever he was!So i sag my heart out and people couldn't BELIEVE how deep I went on Warzone and then the last song came.Haha it was Glad You came I was singing my second solo and then I saw him.I saw Nathan just standing in the crowd looking at me with big green proud eyes!I started crying and I finished up the song and once we were allowed off stage I jumped off the stage and swam throught the crowd into Nathan's warm arms and I burst into tears!

Me:Where were you we tried seaching for you everywhere but we couldn't find you Nathan!

Nathan:I can't stay long they said I could watch you perfomr one song

Me:What no you can't go!

Nathan:I'm sorry I have to, but you can take my place in the band

Me:NO Nathan why do you have to go!DON'T LEAVE ME!

Nathan:i'm sorry I have to!

Me:Wait Nathan!


Me:I love you!

Nathan:I love you too!

He then runs up to kiss me one last time and he then runs off and so I run to the boys excliaming everything then we rushed outside to get Nathan but we couldn't seem to get him in time....Nathan was gone and I was his replacement.

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