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Two weeks have passed since I last spoke to Sam. I want to call him again, I really do, but I can't muster up the courage to press his number. If he really wants to talk to me, he'll call anyway. In the meantime, I've been sticking with Castiel and Crowley. Nothing has changed; I still want Crowley's head on a stick, and I still think Cas is a cool dude.

Well, one thing has changed. Remember those powers Chuck was telling me about? The kind that let me see Lucifer when he was possessing Cas? Well those powers have been sort of malfunctioning lately. It's just little things, like my bike starting up on its own, and the radio turning on in Cas's truck.

That's how it was at first.

"Cas, you want anything?" I ask as I stand in the line at Arby's. Cas and Crowley are going to find a table while I order food for myself. I insisted that we pull over so I can eat because I'm so damn hungry. Obviously, Cas and Crowley don't eat but they stopped anyway.

"No, thank you," he tells me as he walks away to find a table. I scoff and order him a milkshake.

"Here, you'll like it," I say as I sit down across from the boys. I place my tray of food in front of me and slide the milkshake over to Cas. He furrows his eyebrows at me. "It's a milkshake." I explain, then begin to eat my own food.

"This is a waste of time," Crowley tells me through gritted teeth.

"Why?" I ask, biting into a salty French fry. "I mean, Rowena sent Lucifer to the bottom of the freaking ocean. Until there's a sign of him anywhere, I say we chill."

After eating a few fries, I begin to feel weird. An all too familiar feeling shoots up my spine and then back down. I clench my fingers into fists and close my eyes.

"Bailey," Castiel says quietly, but I hardly hear him as I try to keep my cool. I open my eyes but keep them aimed downwards. I see the floor under the table and my boots, and they are all tinted over with a bright blue.

"What are you doing?" Crowley hisses at me. "Stop that."

Frustrated that I'm not able to control it right away, I get up from the table, breathing heavily and storm out of the restaurant.

I hear Crowley say something to Cas along the lines of "Get her back... that's an asset we can't afford to lose."

I don't stop walking until I'm around the back of the restaurant. I press my back against the wall and sink down until I'm in a sitting position. I put my head in my hands and try to get a grip on the power, but it seems difficult.

The longer I'm consumed by the power, the more frustrated I become with myself. My eyes burn with frustrated tears so I cover them with my hands.

I can sort of hear Cas approaching me but I don't look up. Honestly I don't want him to see me like this. I hear him stop right in front of me and open my eyes just enough to make out his feet and the bottom of his legs.

"Please just go away," I say. But he doesn't do that. He places two fingers on the side of my head and uses his angel powers on me.

My mind floods with wonderful and calming memories, some of them consisting of myself riding in the back of the Impala across the country with Sam and Dean.

Some others include my brother and his kids. One of the new ones consists of me singing along to the music in Cas's truck.

The memories stop coming back to me too soon. Cas is pulling his hand away from me when I finally open my eyes and look up at him. "Thank you," I say, wiping my face. Cas knew what he was doing: those memories were calming me down.

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