Edgar And The Mighty Meredith [Contest Entry]

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It's a commonly known fact that every great sailor should be known to the world for at least one special feature of his - be it a glass eye, a wooden leg or a hook for a hand. The same can be said of Captain Edgar Louis who was noted for his desire to live up to various clichés the general public might have of pirates. While attempting to stay true to this ideal he didn't resort to violence like many other pirates before him did, but instead, he was attracted to another aspect of the illustrious life at sea:
the possibility of finding hidden treasures and discovering relicts of long-forgotten cultures.

In order to do so, he bought a ship right at the beginning of his carrier in a sudden attempt to find Atlantis - the first of many adventures that would follow. The ship looked like it belonged in a pirate movie and it actually did, at least until Edgar Louis bought it. The Mighty Meredith - she was named by Edgar after his first love - was made out of birchwood which, given the number of movies the ship had starred in, appeared to be quite porous and therefore, it wasn't unusual for the crew of the Mighty Meredith to sleep on their hammocks with their feet
being slightly covered by the water. The ship had three masts available, all of whose sails were just as holey as the wood itself. In addition, the windows were opaque, the cannons were rusty and the paint that had been used to add embellishments to the ship's rail was already fading away.

However, the ship was not only searching for oddities, it already had quite a few of them on board - after all, even the Mighty Meredith needed a crew...

The navigator was rather unbefitting for his position as he not only had an eyepatch which caused the ship to always sail on a different path than it should be, but also an endless greed which led to numerous captured valuables going missing without the Captain or the crew knowing.

The cook easily might be the most remarkable crew member seeing that he wasn't trained in the kitchen nor did he want to travel the world. He was a businessman who merely made the mistake of borrowing a remarkable sum of money to Edgar Louis and in order to retrieve it, he had to follow the Captain's every step and remind him every single day of his debt.

There was also a pair of twins called Jeremy and Jack. No one - not even the Captain, actually - knew exactly what they were doing and for a couple of months (it also could have been years) nobody was even aware of the fact that there were two of them as they were never seen together.

And ultimately, if only to fulfil certain clichés, there was a parrot croaking of a mermaid he once held dear...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2018 ⏰

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