Chapter 9

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4/16/05 - 11:57AM - Main Street - Smallville, KS

'Oh boy. I made a killing today.' Diana thought to herself.  'Both figuratively and almost literally.'

        She arrived in Smallville looking for anyplace she could find that would purchase what she had.  She found a jewelry store that sold some nice stones, and was reasonably protected considering they had a robbery happen a year before.  The store owner was a very nice old man who offered her some star shaped earrings that caught her eye.  But she made it clear she was looking for something to sell, the man looked to an associate who was able to watch the store.  He then lead her to a room filled with various appraised heirlooms and knew she found what she was looking for.  She spun the story that she had an aunt who passed leaving her some gold coins and she wanted to trade a few of them in. The store owner said they weren't a pawn shop, but gold and jewels could be exchanged for a respectable amount.  But Diana had the impression that the man was expecting a coin collectors plaque not the small bag of gold she brought out.

        The old man was huffing in an ecstatic joy as he accepted the coins and appraised the value for a few thousand she needed.  She walked out of the shop no sooner after the man had closed for the day.  She guessed he'll happen to meet a goldsmith as soon as he can for a way to get some more cash.  She walked down main street looking for a department store to get into something more discrete than the Navy athletic gear she was wearing and after a fashion managed to find something respectable.  A pair of black jeans, a red top and a blue jacket with some stars etched on the shoulders.  Reminded her of an outfit she once wore, though many in the media hated it with a fury.  All the more reason to get it, she won't stand out too much.  The jeans and top fit well, but she needed to look a little frumpy and to conceal the pistols for when the need arose.  Which was why the jacket she chose was slightly looser than the rest of the outfit and had the appropriate pockets.

        Time to begin.  Technology is twenty-five years different from whence she came but was capable of a few tricks thanks to what she brought with her.  The phone and the laptop were very secure.  She needed to clone phones or computers as well as use the information she had in case things went south.  She needed to find either Lois Lane, Chloe Sullivan, Lana Lang or anyone of the Kents and get some ears on them.  Discreetly follow them and keep them on surveillance.  And when the opportunity presented itself, to strike.  If she did this right she may not have to resort to that protocol embedded in the computer she had in her satchel.  But she had to prepare for the worst and the only chance of executing that protocol was to take back the Legion ring Hardcastle stole. Until then she should stick to what she has available.  Clark's school was having an extra long weekend, which many where using to prepare for their prom.  To which she remembered was a party in culmination of their years of study. But also knew it was a time of revelry and hopeful debauchery, immature children turning into immature adults.  The young being encouraged to drink alcohol, fornicate and perform other acts of stupidity.  Yet such things are good for her because nobody would be expecting her kind.  Still it annoyed her, all these young women prostrating their time to ...

Oh my gods what a lovely dress!  Diana stared covetously at a beautiful purple gown designed in a similar Grecian style her mother would have worn back in Themiscyra.  Definitely made by a woman's hands and worked on for hours.  This would be a wonderful thing to buy.  But no.  She had a job to do as she pried herself from the display window in front of the store called Elizabeth's Dresses.

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