Chapter 14

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The first thing you noticed as soon as Present Mic shouted 'go' was the sound of ice crackling. A cold breeze rushed over your body before you realized what he—Shouto—was doing and you leapt up, just managing to dodge the layer of ice that was now encasing the feet of the others around you. Several of them cried out curses in response, trying to break free.

You cast a spell on yourself to give you the ability to fly. Your body was now suspended in the air before you pushed yourself forward with a blast of energy from the bottoms of your feet, pushing you past all your other competitors. Your entire class had also passed the tunnel, instead traveling through the first part of the course to the first obstacle.

There were many other students from other classes that had managed to make it out too. Shouto's lips were just barely moving, but you presumed he was saying something about how he was surprised at how many of the others made it through. It would only make sense, a lot of them did manage to escape having their feet frozen.

You were catching up quickly, the distance between you decreasing before you were now next to each other. Bakugou's explosions could be heard from behind you, as well as his yells.

"I'm going to beat you in this," you murmured to him as you continued to fly forward. You speed increased and you started to move ahead to first place. You watched him from the corner of your eye; he was now using his ice to slide forward and he was catching up to you. Your silent race was broken when you were about to reach the first obstacle.

"Todoroki!" Mineta screamed, a grin on his face as his hands were preparing to pull of the sticky balls from his head. "Get a taste of my special move! GRAPE RU—"

His small body was sent flying to the side by a mechanical finger, which was attached to the hand of a large robot. You glanced up to find several of the metal creatures towering over your smaller frame.

"These must be the robots from the Entrance Exams," Shouto breathed. His eyebrows were furrowed together. "I wish they made more of a challenge for me... Since my old man is watching and all."

The familiar cold washed over your body as you dropped to the ground next to him. He flung his arm forward, the ice rocketing up in hues of blue and white before covering the robots in a thin layer and effectively freezing them. He ran forward, through the space in between two of the frozen robots.

"He cleared he way for us!" you heard someone cheer behind you. You rolled your eyes; it was quite obvious that they were frozen in a precarious position that would collapse in a few moments, which you heard Shouto mutter under his breath too.

Two of the students were caught underneath as they tried to race forward, but you paid no attention to this. You were busy enhancing the strength in your legs to several hundred times more than it was now, and you jumped as high as you could with your new power. Your body soared high above the metal monsters below you before a large stream of magic energy burst out from the soles of your feet.

Your body began to dive in a diagonal line, traveling down and forward. You were above Shouto now, with him running and you flying.

"This isn't that hard," you murmured. "I just have to make sure I finish before I start to get a headache."

Soon enough, you reached the next obstacle. A large canyon awaited in front of you, large pillars of rock rising up from the depths of it. Thick ropes were attached to them, creating a sort of web that you could cross on, if you were careful.

"This isn't much of a challenge," you and Shouto both said at the same time. He slid onto a line, his balance perfect and his ice covering the ropes to propel him forward. He was easily crossing the large ravine, his heterochromatic eyes narrowed in concentration.

You, on the other hand, rolled your eyes and jumped up. A trickle of translucent magic energy emitted from your upper back before a sensation that felt no different from having wings appeared. You soared across, your speed matching Shouto's until you were once again neck-in-neck.

"I'm going to win," you said out of the corner of your mouth to Shouto. A slight throbbing feeling was starting to come to your head, and you knew you had to hurry up. You still had one more challenge to go, but you were luckily almost to the other side.

"GET BACK HERE!!!" Bakugou roared. You glanced over your shoulder at the ash-blond, who had a furious expression on his face. His crimson eyes were shooting an angry glare at you and his eyebrows were furrowed as explosions shot from his hands, pushing him up and over the canyon. Several of your classmates and other students were making their way across, but you didn't need to pay attention to them.

"...!" You hit the ground, rolling slightly as you braced your landing. You made it to the other side and dropped down to the ground, picking yourself back up. Your legs moved on their own, running at the same pace as Shouto.

You quickly enhanced your endurance and leg strength so you wouldn't get tired as easily. You chose to not use your quirk for the next few minutes because the throbbing sensation was starting to become more and more painful, and if you kept using your Magic Circuit quirk, it would only get worse.

"...A minefield?" In front of you lay large area of flattened dirt, with circular shapes that had clearly been dug up. Underneath each one would most likely be a mine, which you had to be careful to not set off.

You were pondering whether or not you should quickly fly over it, but decided against it when you saw how far the dirt terrain stretched. You would just have to run for now, and when you got to a close enough distance, fly the rest of the way.

"GET BACK HERE!!!" Bakugou was now right behind you as you started to make your way across the minefield; you turned your head to see what remaining progress he would have to make to catch up to you.

He was only a few meters behind you and Shouto, his scarlet eyes flickering back and forth to check where his feet were landing. He was gaining on you and the dual-haired boy who was currently biting his lip in concentration.

Why did that look so fucking hot? You weren't sure why your cheeks were starting to warm up, but you knew it wasn't the right time for it.

So why? Why did it make you blush?

Break Through My Shell (Shouto Todoroki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now