Chapter 5: King Taio V

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King Taio V is the Fifth and the youngest King of The Taio Kingdom. He had to make a new law because his father gave him the crown at his early age. He was 25 years old at the time when he received the crown and he did not have a wife. As he went to the church named after his Great-Great- Grandmother, he asked God for wisdom and guidance in his reign. He also asked God to bring him a beautiful woman into his life. The next day, the king received an invitation to a kingdom birthday party honoring the newly crowned, Queen Sylba. She is turning 24 years old and she too is looking to find the right man for her. When the king saw this, he was excited and wanted to go. The king got ready and told his second in command to get his horse ready. As he was riding through the woods, he spotted something behind a tree. He went close by to see what it was. It was something shiny and metallic. He picked it up and said "A Crown? Who would leave their crown in the woods?" Then after that, he heard a splash in the river from behind the shrubs. It was a woman throwing rocks in the water and she looked bored. He went to go ask her about the crown. "Is this your crown?" he asked. "Oh my God, where on Earth did you find it?" She asked. The king replied "It was behind that tree over there." She told him thank you. The king wanted to ask her a question. "Are you a queen?" She replied "Yes. I am Queen Sylba and I've been set out here so my kingdom can surprise me today." The king was excited and replied, "I'm so glad to me you Madame. I am King Taio V and I received your letter the other day." She bowed. "Oh dear I'm so sorry Your Highness, I didn't know that you were the king." Taio replied, " It's ok Your Highness." They chuckled at the same time. An hour went by and they got to know a lot about each other and found out that they love each other. "If you had a son, what would you name him?" said the king. "I would name him after his father." said Queen Sylba. The king was so happy about this. "QUEEN SYLBA!!!!!!" yelled the Queen's Maid. "We are ready for your arrival." Queen Sylba put her crown on and waved to the king. " I'll see you later on King Taio." said Queen Sylba. Her maid said " He's the King?" Queen Sylba shook her head yes. The maid squealed as if she was amazed. Later on that night, the party had started and the queen was having a great time with the king she whispered in the king's ear a question. "What would you say if I asked you to be my husband?" King Taio grew a smile on his face and responded "I would love to be your husband." They kissed and the maid was very happy. King Taio V and Queen Sylba were delighted to be together. They were to be wedded in 2 months time after the Great Harvest. But later in the late part of the 1st month, Queen Sylba's kingdom was burned down from an accidental fire. Someone forgot to put the candle out when they had to go to sleep. King Taio allowed the to sleep in reserved huts in his kingdom. While they stayed there, they decided to add more on to the kingdom. After the 2nd month, it was time for the wedding to commence. As the king was amazed when the queen walked down the aisle towards him. She was so beautiful in the long white dress that she was in. She looked so majestic as she took steps. "Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the union between King Taio V and Queen Slyba." said the priest. After that they said their vows and everything else. "Do you, King Taio V, take Queen Sylba as your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, til death do you part, as long as you both shall live?" King Taio replied "I do." The priest turned to Slyba "And do you, Queen Slyba, take King Taio V as your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, til death do you part, as long as you both shall live?" Queen Sylba replied "I do." "I now pronounce you as husband and wife and you may now kiss the bride. After the newly weds got married, the king and queen were together and would go everywhere. They went to many places and saw small villagers and asked them if they would like to join the Taio Kingdom. Many of them said yes because they were homeless and just wandering. They even found a family. A man, his wife, and 3 children. They all came back to the kingdom with the king and queen and were taken care of by the nurses. About 3 weeks later, the people were getting better and better. Years later in 1800, The kingdom celebrated it's 100th year of standing. King Taio V was getting older and so was Queen Sylba. Their son, Prince Taio VI was next in line to take the throne. In that same year the king wasn't feeling so well. He was coughing a terrible cough. He asked his son to come in the room and he prayed a special pray to help him stay calm and he gave his crown to him. He was now King Taio VI. He had to make the announcement to the kingdom that he was now the new king. Everyone honored him and was cheering. But 17 years later in 1817, King Taio V passed away at the age of 90 years old. Everyone mourned because he was the 5th king over the kingdom. He was born long enough to meet his great great grandfather, great grandfather, and his grandfather. He was buried next to his father. His tombstone reads "The 5th King of the Taio Kingdom. You are the best husband and the best father. R.I.P KING TAIO V 1727-1817.

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