Chapter 6: King Taio VI

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King Taio VI was born in 1745 and became king in 1800. He was truly a humble service to his kingdom and proved himself worthy as the greatest knight of the kingdom. During his time as a young knight, Taio was always watching and waiting for any movement. He never fell asleep on his post and he always remained attentive at all times of the day. He was the kingdom's 4th knight to ever become a king. And he always stayed on guard. In 1767, he met the beautiful woman named Meredisia. She was madly in love with him and he with her. They were perfect for each other. But one day, the kingdom was under attack and Meredisia was taken by the Norman Kingdom. King Taio VI and his bravest knights went on a search party to find her. The found the Norman Kingdom and was gonna wait until dark to attack. When darkness fell, the king yelled, "ATTACK!!!" They had a gruesome battle and there was bodies everywhere. The king search the dungeons for his fiancé. He found her and her clothes where tattered and torn. "I fought them off of me my king and they did not harm me. They merely ripped my dress." said Meredisia. "Where's the leader of this terrible kingdom?" asked the king. "I am right BEHIND YOU!" yelled the leader. The king turned around and blocked his sword attack. "King Norman the Terrible." said the king. Norman replied with a smug little grin on his face " In the Flesh!" The king asked him in an angry tone "Weren't you the one who killed my Great-Great Uncle Randolph in battle?" He replied "Yes and it was for a very good cost. Your grandfather was not the type of king that I suspected he was going to be. He was always the forgiving type and he never rewarded trouble makers with a very painful punishment. So, when we went to battle, I knew that your uncle was the mysterious man under that mask so I wanted to devise a plan so sinister that I knew I would have a great way to take his life. I wrote a letter to him saying that we will attack your kingdom unless you return and surrender to us. Randolph came to attack the Taio Kingdom and the king never knew who sent the letter. So, at the moment prior to your uncle's death, your grandfather saw his face when he forced him to reveal himself. I knew he wasn't gonna do anything else to him so I decided to take matters into my own hand. So, I killed him in front of the king and all I got was time in the dungeon. I managed to escape and I left my old robes in the forest to make it seem like I was attack and killed by a creature." King Taio VI was angry and said "YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS WITH YOUR BLOOD ON MY SWORD." He charged forward at him with his sword. They fought and fought. Swords clanging, punches landing. The king headbutted Norman and Norman fell to the ground and said "I SURRENDER. PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!!" The king replied "THOU WHOM HAST LAID WASTE TO A FAMILY SHALL NOT BE FORGIVEN!" Meredisia was shocked and wondering was he going to kill him. The king dropped the sword and said" It's not worth it. Killing a man because he killed someone dear to you is not worth taking a life." Norman was shocked and trembling and got on his knees and said," King I'm sorry. Please forgive me for everything." The king said " I accept your apology but you need to apologize to God as well." Norman gave the king the key to unlock the dungeon Meredisia was in and the king also wanted Norman to come back to the kingdom. Norman went with the king into The Victorian church to pray and ask for forgiveness. Norman was blessed to have his life changed. The kingdom celebrated on the return of Norman and also celebrated on the marriage of King Taio VI and Queen Meredisia. The day after, Norman became the oldest knights to serve at the age of 67. When the year 1800 came, Norman was turning 100 years old and the king wanted to do something special for him. He had the blacksmith make him a special sword made of bedrock and diamond. Norman was so pleased with the sword and he had in mounted on his wall. But everything wasn't going well a few months later. Norman fell ill and was unable to recover. He later passed away from his sickness. He was the Taio Kingdom's first centurion to live in the kingdom. He got a chance to see King Taio I, King Taio II, King Taio III, King Taio IV, King Taio V, and King Taio VI, he fought in many battles and he was married and had a wife but she passed away in 1745 from a poisoness bite from a spider. Norman was buried in a tomb beside his hut and his gravestone read "Here lies the Taio Kingdom's First Centurion. Norman The Knight of the Taio Kingdom. 1700-1800. As the years went on, the kingdom was getting bigger and stronger and the king made a new law. "NO MAN SHOULD WORK ON SATURDAY OR SUNDAY, FOR THEY ARE THE DAYS OF REST AND WORSHIP." The king also said that we should acknowledge God everyday. In 1820, the king gave the crown to his son ,Taio VII. The newly crowned king did something special for his father. He gave him the best party ever. They sung songs, danced, and the food was amazing. In the later years of Taio VI, he was blessed to live to the age of 100. He went to sleep the night after his 100th birthday celebration and peacefully passed away in the year 1845.

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