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As the first rays of the sun peeked over the trees a wolf and a multi-colored dog raced. Jumping over a log and swerving around trees.

Feral growls and barks rang throughout the forest as the wolf bound away from the hound chasing it.

Flying into a clearing the wolf stopped. Taking the advantage, the hound tackled the wolf, pinning it to the ground.

The hound let the wolf up and bound towards an unnoticed cabin. The wolf followed with a wolfish grin the entire way.

The door was left cracked open of the old cabin. The porch creaked under the weight of the wolf as it made its way inside.

A shaggy bleach blonde haired boy with brown eyes sat on his bed reading a book on transfiguration theory. The applications of - the door creaked open. Harry grinned.

Jumping out of his bed he quickly made his way into the living room. He let out a laugh at his adoptive father, who was covered in paints of many different colors. And only his father, his experiment worked.

“Harry Potter!” hollered an angry Remus as he glared at the aforementioned boy. He stood in front of the boy who gave him an innocence smile.

Well, innocent to everyone but Remus who knew his tricks.

“Whatever calls for such a mess?” he asked with a grin worthy of a fox

With a huff, Remus just rubbed his temples, “We both know what you did, but I'll just leave it so we're not here all day,” walking out the door to the loving arms of a hot shower to wash away the paint.


“We’ll have to bleach your hair again,” Remus commented as he sat at the table reading the daily profite next to him, hair still wet.

Harry nodded his head in agreement as he fixed Remus’ and his plates. Bacon and eggs with toast turned monkey-bread.

Remus thought about it as he poured one glass orange juice. “Mary Junefor is looking for some people to catch a few pixies in her greenhouse and the surrounding area,”

Thanking Remus for the juice as he sat down he grabbed the local muggle paper. Remus sat down with his coffee to continue reading the daily profit

“Nah, that lady is the worse,” Harry paused as he took a bite of his eggs, “All she does is try to sell us dark artifacts,”

Remus nodded in agreement, it was only a few gallons. And she tries to clear with every guy she sees, not worth it.

Remus read the newspaper for a second before deciding, “There's nothing good today, magical anyways,”

“How about we go see if there are any muggle places that need people,” Harry thought aloud

“Maybe, but there's not many jobs for a nine-year-old,” the older of the two pointed outpointing his fork at Harry as if to drive his point home.

Harry sighed, Remus gave him a look before  asking, “What's wrong?”

“I don't know Dad,” Harry said as he pushed his food around his plate,

“I just feel like I'm ” he paused, “I'm doing nothing to help after all you've done for me,”

“Harry,” Remus said, his food forgotten as he got out of his seat and wrapped his arms around the young broken boy. A boy he'd come to love as his own son, “You do more than I could ever ask of you,”

He let out a small smile as he began to talk, “Harry of not for you I would be,” he stopped taking in a shaky breath

Taking a breath he continued, “Without you I would still be on my own, thinking about the what if’s,” they both knew the bottomless pit that is what if’s

Harry Potter, The Bronze BoyWhere stories live. Discover now