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The first few weeks of September pass quickly for everybody at Hogwarts. Classes passed by in a flash and friendships were made. Each student got into the swing of things. When to wake up, early enough to have warm water, but still sleep in. As well as

Well until one student realized it was almost mid-month.

This thought brought a frown to his face. It would be his first full moon he wasn't there to help his father with. Logically he knew the pack would be there, but it didn't make a difference to him.

He laid sprawled out on the floor by one of the giant windows in the common room. Anthony sat in a nearby chair reading.

Anthony had been annexed into his group of friends. The brunette had no time to escape Harry's clutches before he joined the group.

Their study group seal fate. The group had grown close, they were closer than siblings. Neville had jokingly called them the ‘winged badgers’

It all happened his first potions class. They didn't talk about it. They never talked about the cauldron incident.

Harry was still worried about the full moon, but when asked he brushed it off and started towards the study sections. Anthony followed.

Harry invited Draco to the study group while the blonde complained about how history was impossible. Harry only smile and zs

Draco had a scowl on his face as he walked into the avoided classroom. His cloak flowing in a dramatic fashion that would make Snape proud.

Like a storm over the horizon, just waiting to unleash its full force of fury.

“What's your deal?” Susan asked as he sat

“Oh nothing” he spat as he visibly held his anger back. Fist clenching and unclenching

“Draco looks at me,” Harry said trying his best to control the situation. He knew how blinding anger could be.

It at one point consumed him. All he wanted was revenge. Revenge on the Dursleys. On the kids who picked on him. On the teachers who looked him like filth once word got around. On the counselors who did NOTHING!


“aaarggerrrahh” An eight-year-old Harry screamed in pain.

Everything hurt. Every fiber of his being was trying to push the invading curse. It tried to consume his humanity, replacing it with its wild and untamed wolf.

Then the cool rim of a bottle was pushed against his lips. A voice urged him to drink, he did as there was no other option.

Pain exploded in him once more, fiercer than the first time. The potion pushed the wolf back, and the wolf pushed back fiercer, its anger fueled

Then it stopped. His body stopped convulsing and everything calmed.

Then yellow eyes shot open, pupils turned into slits, “You stopped me from being a werewolf!”

A wary man covered in scars sighed as he leaned against a wall in relief. He stopped the curse. His son was safe from the curse and scorn of the life of a wolf.

“You know you don't want to be, this,” Remus stressed

His son was safe. Even as he punched a hole into the motel wall. He looked at the young wizard who was quickly losing his werewolf features.

Nails lost their black tint as they and fangs stunk back to their normal size.

“But I want revenge,” Harry cried miserably as he tried to punch the wall again. Knuckles bleed as he continued to try to punch the wall.

Harry Potter, The Bronze BoyWhere stories live. Discover now