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"Julie! It's time for school. Get up." Jill, her mother said, as she pulled the covers off of the teenager and turning on the lamp beside her bed. "Get up or Lola will not be spending the weekend here." She shouted as she walked from the door and went downstairs.

Julie perked up at the words of her mother, getting out of bed and tossing on her clothes. She made sure she had a bra on before she left her room, grabbing her phone, keys, and backpack from near the door.

Jill handed her a piece of toast, buttered and ready for consumption as she dashed out the door at 7:00 in the morning to pick up Lola before 8:00 hits and school starts.

She unlocked her 2010 Honda Accord and buckled up, eating her toast quickly as she drove to her best friend's house. She shouted her name as she honked the horn, her best friend running through the door, pulling her hair into a ponytail.

"I'm here, Julie, chill out," Lola said as she tossed her bag into the backseat, put her seatbelt on and held on tight as Julie Graham crazily drove her to school. "What's got your panties in a twist this morning?"

Julie huffed, "I'm supposed to give a new kid a tour after the first class. At least I get out of math, but you know how awkward I am on school tours!" She whined as she carefully, for once, pulled into a parking spot and grabbing her backpack, rushing Lola to get out of the car.

"Lola, hurry up! We don't have all day." She drug on her words in a whiny tone, pulling her best friend into the building.


Eventually, they made it to their first class, History, and sat in their seats in the middle of the classroom. The teacher started to talk about how great her spring break was when a small teenager walked in.

"Ah, you must be," Mrs. Roberts checked her clipboard. "Alaina Meier. Welcome to History."

"Oh, uh, that must be a mistake... My name is Alan Meier." The kid blushed in embarrassment, cheeks stained with the color of their backpack.

"Hm, that's what the office told me... But if you're sure, Alaina- I mean, Alan. I'll talk to them about it, alright?" Mrs. Roberts smiled and pointed to the seat next to Julie and she waved.

"Hi, um, Alan. I'm Julie, I'm the one giving you a tour after this class. This is my best friend, Lola." Julie greeted, blushing.

"Nice to meet you," Alan said shortly, turning to the teacher as she droned on again about her spring break.


After history was over, Julie led Alan to the front of the building, giving them a quick tour. They reached Julie's favourite room in the school, the art room. "This is my third and seventh period. Art. It's my favourite subject, like, ever..." Julie blushed as she realized she was rambling.

"It's nice... Why isn't there anyone?" Alan asked.

"First and second no one has art, the teacher teaches ESL as well, first and second." Julie smiled, leading them to the gym.

"This is hell, aka the gym. Luckily, freshmen year I got my credits so as a sophomore, I don't have to take it." She smiled at Alan. "Oh, and um, your- what are your pronouns?"

Alan looked back to Julie, mildly surprised. "My... my pronouns? No one ever asks me... I, um, I use he and him." He grinned, gripping the ends of his sweater as he tried not to move his arms too much.

"Do you wanna hang out with Lola and I this weekend? My mom won't mind, she loves new people. I do have to warn, my brother is a bit weird when it comes to my friends."

"Sure!" Alan smiled even wider and they continued the tour, until it was time for third period. They both had art.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2018 ⏰

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