The Ride

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Sam P.O.V

I looked over and tried to see who was talking. Then, I saw him.

His pale, vampire like skin shined in the sunlight. His dark, long, black hair covered part of his face. He had a hoodie on. Which I could never understand how kids would wear hoodies in 90 degree weather.

Then, I began to feel something. It almost seemed like I was, floating gently. I had butterflies in my stomach?

Oh no. Oh no no no no. It can't be. Am I falling in, love? Ew ew ew

Alex P.O.V

I saw in the corner of my eye her, looking at me. She had blue eyes, like the ocean. I felt like, if I stared at them, I could get lost, deep in the eyes of oceans. Then, I accidentally raised my head and she saw me look at her. She turned around quickly. Well crap.

Are you that stupid? A popular beautiful girl would never fall in love with you...

The voices again

"Shut up" Alex quietly said

You can never get rid of me, even if you wanted to. But of course you never want to get rid of me. I'm your best friend...

"Shut up!!" I screamed loudly.

Everyone looked at me. The cold dead stares. It's happened to me so many times before, people staring at me. I'm used to it but, it still hurts.

Just then everyone laughed. The cold evil monsters laughing at me. If only they knew. Well nevermind, even if they did know about my schizophrenia, they would still treat me like absolute shit.

I looked around and noticed, not everyone was laughing. That girl was just, looking at me, very concerning eyes.

"Come here" she mouthed and I quickly moved. She moved her maroon colored bag out of the way and stood up so that I could get the "window seat." She sat back down, ever so gently, and placed her bag into her lap.

"Hey are you alright?" She said. Her voice. Her voice was amazing and it was like a hug every time I heard it.

"Yeah. I'm fine..." I said, staring out of the window after talking.

"Are you really? Or are you just saying that?" She said. "Oh I'm sorry, I'm Sam."

Her held out her hand. Her small delicate hand. I looked at her hand then slowly looked up. I took her hand and I gently shook it. I wouldn't want to damage her fragile hand.

"Are you going to tell me your name?" She chuckled afterward.

"Oh I'm sorry. It's Alex. Alex Beasley."

"You don't have to apologize for everything. You know that right?" She tilted her head just a little.

"I know. I'm sorry. I mean... I'm sorry... oh.."

"It's okay. I forgive you. Tell me a little bit about yourself." She said. It was like she was actually interested to know about me.

"Well... um... let's see... I like art?"
Damn it. It's like I don't even know myself.

"OMG I do too! What's your medium?" She said excitedly. " I do photography and acrylic"

"Well I mainly use pencil. That's all I can afford. When I was in art class, I loved using charcoal and oil pastels."

"How old are you?"

"Well I am 14 fixing to turn 15 next week on the 17th"

"Wow! I'm 14 and going to turn 15 on the 19th! We almost have the same birthday!" She said this with such excitement, it actually kind of scared me.

Then the bus stops. Time for school. Time for fucking school.

"Oh Sam!" I said. Thank God she didn't get off the bus. I pointed in a down direction. She looked at her shirt.


She came back down the aisle. Shoving other people in the crowded aisle.

"Can I borrow your hoodie? You know since.."

"Yeah sure Sam." I took off my hoodie and a long sleeved shirt showed underneath. "Here. Just bring it back tomorrow"

"I will. Thanks Alex!"

"Anytime" I whispered


I thought the ending was cute. If you like this story so far, comment. If you have any ideas for the story you can comment then too.

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