Chapter 2

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Beth's POV:
As my family and I walk into the airport to get to the private jet, Dad starts going over a checklist to make sure I have everything. "Passport?" "Check." "Phone and Chargers?" "Check" "Wallet?" "Check" "Are you sure you want to go?" "Yes papa I want to go. I promise I'll call you when I land and get to the house. You sent my car already right?" "Yes sweetheart I did. But are you gonna be okay? Are you sure you don't need me with you?" "Papa the movers have already moved everything in, you are sending me with two of my guards, and we agreed to install cameras around the house we built. I'm positive that everything will be fine. Besides you said that Uncle Aro's friend Carlisle Cullen resides there right? So I'm sure if something happens I'll be able to get to him. I'll be fine really." Uncle Aro and Uncle Caius both stayed home to keep things in order. But Dad, Aunt Athenodora, Jane, Demetri, Alec, and my two guards came to send me off. We didn't want too many of them to come with cause we didn't want to make too much of a scene. Aunt Athenodora had to convince Uncle Caius that I would be fine without him but we settled on two guards coming with me. Sadly it won't be my siblings. They are needed in the castle so Dad is sending Afton and Santiago with me. Of course I'm fine with it as these guys are family. I just don't want to draw too much attention. Santiago will be going to school with me while Afton will keep an eye on things outside of school. Soon we are called to board the jet. Dad hugs me one last time and then we all have a group hug. "I'll miss you guys but I'm just a phone call or FaceTime away." I say smiling. Afton grabs my carry on for me and we walk to the gate to board.
~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~
Once we landed Afton and Santiago got out first. We walked to get our bags then out to the car. Since I was tired Santiago offered to drive us to our new home. Of course first we had to stop by the Cullen's home so we could introduce ourselves. So on our way there I made Afton and Santiago listen to some kpop for a bit.

Once we pulled into the Cullen's driveway, Afton got out first then came to open my door and helped me out. I smiled at them both and we walked to the front door and knocked. It didn't take long for a very pretty brunette woman to open the door. "Hello how may I help you?" She said. I smiled at her and put my hand out for her to shake it. "Hi ma'am, My name is Elizabeth, I'm here to see a Carlisle Cullen? My father said he lived here." I could practically feel the anxiety coming off of her but she then opened the door wider and held it there. "He's upstairs here come in before you freeze. Follow me and have a seat while I go and get him."

We follow her in then up the stairs. As we get up the stairs there are multiple people the in living room. I just smile at them as they look at me and my body guards cautiously. "Hello Elizabeth was it? My wife says your father told you to come see me? If I may ask, who is your father and why did he send you to see me?" A blonde man says. I've seen him before, in some of the portraits of my father and uncles. "Hi Mr. Cullen, my father is Marcus Voltori. Im Elizabeth Voltori, I'm here to spend my last year of high school at Forks High. These two are my guards, Afton and Santiago. They are here to make sure no harm comes to me." I giggle a bit when I see everyone's jaw drop. "I'm sorry ma'am but did you say you are Marcus Voltori's daughter? As in the king?" Carlisle says. "Yes I did and yes I am. My father, uncles, and I decided to not throw a ball to announce me being Princess until after I graduated. Wanted to give me a bit of a normal life." I laugh a bit. I knew it would be shocking but I didn't expect for them to be so shocked that they can't speak. "If I may ask, why are you human? How do you know about us and you still remain human?" A very pretty blonde girl asks. As I look around the room more I can feel three bonds form with people in the room. "Afton?" I say. "Yes Princess?" "Remember what I told my father when we were leaving the castle? It's happening and I need you and Santiago to stand behind me for just a bit please." I say closing my eyes. I start walking forward towards the two stronger bonds. When I get to them I open my eyes. "I have waited for you two for some time now." I say smirking. A blonde curly haired boy and a girl with a pixie haircut both smile and just stare at me. He breaks the silence first, "Ma'am I did not think I'd be blessed with another beautiful mate to call mine." He says as he grabs my hand and kisses the back of it. "My name is Jasper, this is Alice." He continues. Alice suddenly stops staring and hugs me. "I didn't see you coming but I'm so glad you came." She exclaimed. I pull away from her and turn to the big burly guy. He looked shocked and confused, so I decided to explain what is happening. "For anyone confused, Alice and Jasper are my mates. This muscle man here, he and I are also bonded. But we have a sibling bond. I happen to have many siblings. And this means he also has many siblings back at home."

      Next I look at the pretty blonde next to him.
"You are very Pretty must I say. If those two weren't my mates I'd be going after you. Anyways to answer your questions, when I was 11 my biological mother abandoned me in Volterra, afterwards I was roaming around and stumbled upon the castle and met Heidi, who offered to let me on the tour of the castle for free. I took it mainly because I didn't want to be roaming around outside all day. But there was something about her and the castle that drew me in. And once we got to the end of the tour I put a shield up when I felt possible danger and when all the guests were dead I met my family. After spending a month getting to know each other we came back to America so that my dad could legally adopt me. And that's what he did. I'm not really human I guess you can say, I'm a witch, was born one. And because my father and uncles wanted me to have a normal teenage life we decided to wait to turn me. Although when I do get turned it won't be like your kind. I'll still have some human features."

I turn to Carlisle "And to Carlisle's question even though you didn't say it out loud, I'm here in forks because this is where my biological father lives. I wanted to see him and I had a dream of meeting new important people that will have bonds with me. So far there is 3 I have a few left."

I turn to Afton and tell him to start the car. "Well I'm tired and a bit jet lagged. I will be seeing you tomorrow and at school but I won't see you til later tomorrow as I'm going to go see my bio dad." I say bye to everyone and Santiago walks me out of the house and helps me into the car.
~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~
We pull into our new home and it's beautiful. I decided to wait to explore the house since I was tired. But I did know which room was mine so I as soon as we got inside I had Santiago run me to my room. I put pajamas on and went straight to sleep.

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