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Let's start with introductions.I am Lilibeth Griffith's, I'm a girl and I'm 18 years old.My species is a magic user as termed by humans in this generation.

Just to make it clear I'm not a witch.I'm just a being that was born with non human abilities.I am gifted with the power of energy.I can use every single type of energy there is.Just as Electric Energy,Light energy and so on.

Although it's hard to use some of them, there are some Energy Types that I'm not able to control.So I continue to train everyday.Since we are done with that let's continue

-New character-

<[*Lilibeth Griffiths*]>

Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Magic user

In this world Magic Users are welcomed.We stand equal to humans.There are some people still afraid of us but we're working on it.

Magic Users are a special case, seeing that they could get out of control and cause commotion.It could cause the end of the earth which is why they've created a school especially made for us.

☆Sakura Academy☆

And guess what It's my first day there today!

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